What's the *worst* movie you've ever seen?

I love him! I don’t always love the movies he’s in, but if he’s in it, I’ll give it a try.


To be fair the director/producer Jerry Warren stuck to his guns on this one. He is quoted as saying something along ‘I do not aspire to make anything of quality’ and he was offered big money to not release the film (way more than he made on it) and turned it down.
This a movie with vision! Double vision from heavy drinking but still vision.


Hands down, Star Wars (1977). Reasoning:

  • It’s melodramatic acting, particularly by the miscast Mark Hummel
  • Miscasting in general, plagues the film. Sir Alex Guiness, really???
  • The score is overrated
  • Robots seemed to exist for not other reason than comedic value
  • Other than the inventive bar scene, the rest is too derivative of westerns and Japanese film
  • Like Star Trek before it, the effects were sadly lacking in originality
  • Loved that Rookie character though – Like bigfoot with a gun belt!
  • I don’t like science fiction; it’s not a real literary form
  • Never much cared for Harrison Ford either
  • Gorgeous sets ruined by horrible lighting.

Even as the first letters crossed the screen in the credits, I kinda knew it was gonna be bad. I saw it in the Uptown Theater when it came out.


I only watched it the night it aired. I was 5. It gave me nightmares and a lifelong severe distrust of people in uniforms.

I have said it elsewhere, it is space fantasy which is not science fiction.
But yeah I saw it in the theater on the 20th anniversary showing and was like wow other than Alec nobody can act their way out of a wet paper bag.
It was still great fun, just not as great a film as I remembered when seeing it as a kid.


Waiting patiently for Machete Kills Again in Space!


Not to mention the excellent Manos callbacks in subsequent episodes.


Come now. Lucas really got his money’s worth out of Peter Cushing.


Oh totally forgot about him. Like Christopher Lee in the prequels the hokey lines sounded good coming from him as they both had been in so many B movies they knew how to make it work.


That looks like a good Friday-night-and-the-wifey-fell-asleep-at-8:30 movie.

“What Women Want”. Oddly enough, I was dragged to it by a woman who I would later learn is awful herself, but nowhere near as awful as that movie. Probably two minutes in, I was wondering “is everyone else seeing this shit??? How are we not setting fire to the theater for showing this fecal infestation?” I recall hearing some people laughing at the jokes, which was both insulting and utterly confusing. Maybe not the worst flick I’ve seen, but it’s totes magotes in the top ten.


I waited too long. Looks like I missed my chance at Hardcore Henry in cinema unless I want to spend an hour driving one city over.

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I read a few articles and saw promo shots from Solarbabies back in the 80s, but never got to see it until last year.

The faint tantalizing wait was soooo much better.


Should I finally watch Robot Jox, or not?

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I know, right? The premise was good. Jami Gertz at the peak of her acting career? Rawr! Richard Jordan as a campy, over-the-top bad guy? He does that well. So should be good, right? But the plot just didn’t go anywhere, and the overdone pleather costumes are so awful they distract from the plot, such as it is.

I kind of enjoyed that one. But like most Cold War allegories, it has not survived the test of time very well. If you’re stuck home with a sick kid, and you have a supply of mild intoxicants, there are worse things to watch. Many of them are listed in this thread. :wink:


I hate to nominate this movie because it is glorious, but we live in a world where not being very good at what you are doing and not giving a fuck is considered a bad thing.

Anyway. Mamma Mia!

I’ll let this guy do the talking. He gets it.


Little Miss Sunshine, on repeat viewings, has not lost any of its charm.


I always enjoyed reading the book.

The movie was awful, but the book was great, looong pulpy, rip-roaring, non-serious plucky fun.

What struck me so much in jr-high (I was in 8th grade when it came out) is how much it seemed to be an attack on the United States. Sure, the Psychlos were supposed to represent the horrors of a society that was led by psychiatrists (that bad ol’ Scientological boogey-mans) - but the way the Psychlo culture absorbed all others was so obviousy the American Cultural-Military-Industrial hegemonic melting-pot that I was astounded the Scientologists didn’t see it.

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fuck you if you think you’re getting a Life Day card this year