Originally published at: What's this mysterious penis-shaped island in the Pacific Ocean? | Boing Boing
I think it’s actually 500 meters long. A 500 mile dong would be pretty famous by now even if it is in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.
… how do you get 500 mile long dong when the scale at the bottom shows it to be about 400 feet wide and maybe about 1000 feet long?
I’d have named it Pen Island.
Yes. The “measure distance,” um, tool, shows it to be 490 meters. Impressive girth, though.
Sometimes an island is just a cigar.
Pretty sure there are already 14 other Pen Islands. Better off calling it Pen15 Island to avoid confusion.
“When the stars are right R’lyeh will rise”
Maps totally suck me in. I spent an hour last night trying to find out what the big black spot is in Syria after watching a documentary on the Third Crusade. It’s obviously a massive lava field, but it was unmarked on google maps and it took quite a while to even find the name.
Needs more @thomdunn Thom, you may wish to edit your post. Mistaking m (meters) for m (miles) is a bit obvious. (Nothing to do with an imperial-units-savvy USanian not being familiar with metric notation, I’m sure.)
(Sorry, could not resist the dig re metric. Probably far from deserved.)
I think middle schoolers would take a keen interest in geography if it was 500 miles long. Just sayin’…
(For comparison, Lake Superior has a maximum length of 350 miles, so a 500 mile long island would be pretty noticeable on a globe. It’d also probably be inhabited. Perhaps the locals would be affectionately known as “Seamen.” C’mon. folks! Help me out! The jokes practically write themselves!)
I see a hot dog with out the bun, and a couple of beans at the bottom? Crazy, I know.
This was just a sloppy typo, but damn it’s a funny one.

Perhaps the locals would be affectionately known as “Seamen.”
But they’re all Dicks!
I mean, the name “Pen Island” was right there…
What makes your big head so hard?
I’m sure it’s not the first time the length of this particular island has been mis-reported
“What’s this mysterious penis-shaped island in the Pacific Ocean?”
The question answers itself.
Looks just like mine! I checked! Just not as much green fungus.
The tourist map at https://www.iles-loyaute.com/images/sampledata/incontournable/ouvea/plan_ouvea.pdf calls it “Su”. That’s pretty boring considering the next island to the West is called “Ujeeteetr”.