What's wrong with this picture?

I expect all instances of him will be dead by the end of this thread.


Whatā€™s wrong? The women sitting on that plexiglas bench are all Trump supporters.

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I can tell by theā€¦

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Where is are their buttson?


Wait, what?

I see itā€¦ but I DONā€™T BELIEVE IT!!!

/rubs eyes, stares at bottle of Thunderbird, looks back at photo, throws Thunderbird over shoulder, shakes head dizzily


No wonder they have the dimensions of actual people. Donā€™t they know everyone in general and women in particular are supposed to be airbrushed?

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I thought that too but if you zoom in you can clearly see the upper arm is indeed her right arm. It just looks weird from a distance.

Everyone is dead inside.

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A fish!


This is one of those surrealist jokes, right?


Um, whereā€™s the bench seat?

stolen. I blame Obama.

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I thought most people got two sets? Although Iā€™d assume that the lady in question is old enough to have got rid of all her milk teeth.

I found the composition lacking.


is this a new strategy to prevent homeless sleeping in parks?

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When you are done walking on sunshine.

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You are not done

Zoomed inā€¦

ā€¦aaand it appears I mistook boobs for a forearm.

Welp. This is embarrassing.

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