When Brad Birkenfeld blew the whistle on HBS, the US government paid him $104M and sent him to jail

this isn’t virtually, this is actually. It is actually still entirely possible.

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You articulated that well. It wouldn’t be easy to be an American this November!

The one candidate that stands for change and sanity is being pulled off stage in favour of a corporate stooge that will almost certainly lose to an independent stooge.

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But universal healthcare was intolerable.


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Yeah, my immediate reaction was I’d gladly do the time for the payout. No question.

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I sincerely love how civilly both of you ended this exchange- I don’t see that a lot on the internet.


Mrs Clinton, please stop trying to make Donald Trump seem the lesser evil.


I love how people are already equating not voting Hillary as being; lazy, ignorant, part of the problem, Trump support etc etc etc.
I see this tiresome tact taken during every election. It’s as if voting your conscious isn’t as important as stopping the current boogey man. This same tired rhetoric has been the main argument against people who won’t tow the line for decades now and look where it’s gotten us.
Voting your conscious including abstaining from voting on some ballots is a perfectly acceptable and valid use of your vote. Don’t let anyone tell you differently. They simply have an agenda and are upset that you aren’t on board with it.
I’ll vote third party in this election for president unless Bernie is the Dem candidate. I’ll do this because my vote matters to me and I’m not supporting someone I don’t want to support. It’s that simple people. We aren’t betting. The point is not the vote for the winning side. The point is to cast a vote for people who represent your views. Not to have bet on the winning horse.


You know, maybe he should just buy a watch.


The party of the government.

You’re arguing coke vs. pepsi.


I’m kicking myself now for not noticing this right at the top of the article:

As a manager at Switzerland’s largest bank, UBS, Bradley Birkenfeld found himself part of a massive, longstanding scheme to help wealthy Americans evade taxes.

You find yourself backpacking around Europe. You actively abet a massive tax fraud conspiracy because you’re a tax fraudster, and then later if you decide to jump through a lucrative legal loophole, you do that too.

I guess the government’s thinking was that by paying him (instead of straight up stiffing him, law be damned) they were preserving the incentive for other, ahem, “whistleblowers” to drop a dime on their co-conspirators. Any time the government is less bloodthirsty than I want it to be, it probably means they’re doing the right thing. But still, this fuckin’ guy.

You vote for whoever the Dem is and in 2018 jump on board with people like this http://brandnewcongress.org/home

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i sometimes think the real revolution is making voting unimportant in the first place.

i mean, we’re all really busy in life, so we vote for people who hopefully can do the job for us – but, sometimes it seems we’re looking for the easy way out. one leader (or set of leaders) who can just “fix it”.

corporations have power because we buy their stuff. the 1% has the cash because we’ve “allowed” their businesses to setup shop in our towns.

maybe the real “revolution” isn’t so dramatic as most would have it, but rather undermining the status quo by putting our time and energy towards building whatever systems that we’d actually like to see exist in the world.


In my opinion change will only really come when we devalue money. Devaluing money will come when we have enough robotic and technical knowledge to have a house that produces more power than uses, produces food (robotic farming and greenhouses with lab grown meat), can prepare the food and generally cleans up the home. If you had this would you NEED a 40 hour/week job? All this is being created and we are getting close to it being (ironically) affordable.

I don’t know why anyone would ever think that given US history. Hell, people wrote novels about it almost 100 years ago.


These are the same Republicans in our government now lining up and giving him official support?

Give me more than two horrible choices to vote for then. To pretend that our choices of only two horrid candidates is true democracy is rather Soviet.

Well, actually, it was more than one. He’s killed either two or three (I forget but one was the son of the first).

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The very same. They know if Trump gets elected and impeached, his VP takes his place. It’s not a good long term strategy, but they just hate Clinton more. The enemy of my enemy is my temporary ally until something changes.

In the current, post-WWII period? I didn’t think it could happen - that too many things would have to change first before it was a possibility. It turns out that some of those things probably have been changing without my noticing just how bad it had gotten.