When shopping, always demand one from the back

Yeah, it’s pretty sweet, and so cool to get more in tune with everything produced in the state.
Looks like the one we use was started here in Maine and has expanded to offer similar service in western NY. No reason other farmers couldn’t take part, on a local level, if they were interested. What made the difference for us is a local farmer took an interest and offered to act as the coordinator/drop off point. The software is there, just need farmers to decide it’s worth the hassle and such. There’s a mark up for the farmdrop service, but I’m totally fine with that for the amazing access and easy ordering.



I don’t see any other regions in the States under the same name, but I’m going to make a point of looking for one for my state.

It’s interesting that they cover Maine and western NY but not the two states in between!


Oh, you mean West Maine and Far West Maine? :wink:


His YouTube channel is just a ton of these customer interactions. I think he’s just constantly recording.


Since I go through milk relatively quickly, I see it as my duty to be an anti-“milk maid”. I take the time to look over the entire selection and choose the one with the soonest date, as it’ll likely already be gone by then.


The chain I use (Giant) has rules about that, and anything with expiration dates too close to the delivery window get refunded. They’ve only messed up on that a few times in the past five years. Bananas were my only problem with produce, but it wasn’t that they were brown. They offer green or yellow, and every time I ordered green I’d get yellow ones. So, I started picking them up myself if I happened to be near a store. :woman_shrugging:t4:


As a banana snob (just look at them) I can appreciate this. I like my bananas to be really green - right on the the edge of almost giving me cotton mouth when eating them. When they get soft and brown, no thanks (unless I’m making banana bread or tossing them in the oven to bake on their own).

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Ah, that makes sense.

Joke’s on the loser filming, us minions stocking shelves used to not rotate stock properly and stuff it in from the front like fucking savages, leaving the old box stuffed at 150% capacity. So buddy got himself the freshest.


One of my sisters has a Whole Foods nearby, & I discovered they make home deliveries.
So, I decided to send her some wine for her birthday. I had no idea what she liked, so I sent her about 10 different bottles. Figured there’s bound to be one or two in there she liked.
I notified her she had a delivery coming & to let me know it arrived o.k.
She later sent a one-word email:
And a photo of the boxes she recieved. Each box had a big label with the word ‘Liver’ on it…

Did I mention that she despises liver?

That delivery worked out very well…


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