I was talking with my mouth full.
pretty sure even Jesus would be like “Ewww, GROSS! why are you keeping that thing around? THROW IT AWAY!”
We were using a slide projector (yes!) once in high school, discussing reliquaries, when the history teacher was momentarily taken aback by the reliquary we were looking at, an extremely ornate urn claimed to contain the foreskin of Our Redeemer. I wondered the same thing then as has been brought up here – how did anyone know to save it? Perhaps the virgin birth and magi were enough hint that Joseph and Mary thought to save His every last macaroni artwork from preschool.
Incidentally, I once saw on a Star Wars message board the username “Forcekin” which I thought was pretty good.
Jez, all the other Messiahs are laughing at Jesus now.
I’m guessing it might be in the vicinity of Dick’s hatband…
You heard about the shop with a clock in the window. A guy went in and asked about fixing a clock. The fellow said, “No, I’m a mohel. I perform circumcisions.” The guy asked why there was a clock in the window. The mohel said, “What do you suggest?”
Yeah, not attending to that would have ruined the whole film for me.
Forget Jesus. Where’s mine?
Oh, gimme gimme gimme, not very Christian of you. /s
I feel like the Far Side answer to this question is that a tiger stole it to use as a traditional treatment for erectile dysfunction.
Isn’t this what golf is all about?
This was a serious debate in the Middle Ages, and to some degree ongoing: If the communion wafer is the body of Christ (according to transubstantiation), doesn’t that mean that you’re subjecting it to a normal digestive process and therefore turning it into excrement after you’ve eaten it? Steracoranism, it’s called. The Church says “no.”
I could have happily lived the rest of my life without knowing any of this
The lord taketh it away but he never gaveth it back.
Wait… there’s a black market in foreskins?
Oh, yes. There is a black market for everything: