Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2021/01/21/which-trump-kid-is-the-stupidest-aunt-mary-lets-us-know.html
I appreciate what she’s doing, but I can’t be the only one who is ready to be done with all the Trumps, in whatever form they take.
Other than news of their prosecutions and convictions, I will be happy to never hear anything about them ever again.
I’m ready to move on, can we just not talk about this dumb family unless it involves them being convicted of something?
It is dangerous to ignore a trump infestation. That is how they fester and breed,
They are now in their latent pupating phase, where they reform and will reemerge. Ignore them at your peril!
Really guys? This is the post we are resorting to?
It’s unfair to judge them like this… Let’s make them all winners of that title.
What infestation? They aren’t in office. Call me when they get thrown in jail, otherwise i’m good… i don’t need to be updated on every little thing they do or say.
I like to imagine Jr. and Eric having a fistfight over which one of them gets to run for president first.
No. They feed on attention. You have to starve the beast.
We really need to start working on more productive things.
A fist fight over who’s the smartest would make a lot of sense in the Trump world!
I’ll lay a long bet that D. Trump is going to redirect his future effort to making Ivanka the first elected woman president. Not that I want her there, noooo, don’t misconstrue. This is merely a prediction what’s going to happen.
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