While attempting to take a selfie, an American tourist fell into Mt. Vesuvius crater


You know…I’ve dropped stuff into a toilet before and have stopped to consider whether it was worth it to retrieve it or not. There would be no such hesitation if I dropped my phone into a volcano. My immediate reaction would probably be, “Whelp, kinda wanted a new phone anyway.” WTF is wrong with people. Getting too close to bears, buffalo, sea lions, and volcanoes. How the hell have we not gone extinct yet?


“Is this on? Oh yeah, there I am. Hi, This is Gollum and I am on Mount Doom, and Gollum’s got the Precious! Gollum’s got the Precious! Lookout! It’s all glowy down there, and awesome. Whoops! Aaagh!”


The story I read, which I cannot find now, said he faced a four figure bill from the rescue services to cover their costs.



Only they are. Landsbjörg is a donation-financed volunteer force and they get called out more and more thanks to the tourism boom.

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Patience. We’re almost there.


Being now in the so-called Holocene Extinction Event, one could make a good case that, in light of the World’s steadily declining birth rate over the past several years, Homo Sapien is also on track for extinction but on an accelerated track and with a dwindling chance for some far future evolved variant of the human species to appear. Have a nice day! :blush:


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