White gunmen storm Michigan Capitol with assault-style rifles, lawmakers inside State House share disturbing video and photos

Just a fair warning: even if you’re not given the boot, this won’t go well for you.


^^^ THIS ^^^

Well regulated militia. Uniforms. Training once or twice a month. A few weekend training sessions a year. A couple of 1- or 2-week sessions in the summer. Reminds me of my CAF Militia experience. Once qualified as a Rifleman, you get your license to purchase, possess, and legally use.

But I guess that American-as-apple-pie “freedom” would be infringed. American Exceptionalism strikes again.


I was born in the US. I’ve spent my whole life here. And now that I finally see (and accept) how utterly broken the US has become, I find myself wanting to leave, to find somewhere else to call home.


That’s a thing, right? Sheesh, why’d they have to pick that name? Spite?


Doxxing is against community standards here. If you don’t like that, leave. Using the same tactics as white supremacists isn’t helpful. If you have information, contact the relevant authorities.


I’d be more interested in exactly who told them to go out and risk their white power privilege for the cause, but I’d doubt the FBI’s fortitude for that kind of investigation, even in the best of times.


Big difference between a joke and a serious attempt to get others to doxx someone.


Just a guess but no arrests? I better go ahead and read this…
I hate when I’m right sometimes.

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white privilege bulliesrapidfire


I have to say, this is less a “like” than it is an “appreciate the accuracy of…”

The Constitution was created at a time and in response to the then failing US government convened under the Articles of Confederation. Two critical powers the Articles did not grant the Federal government was that of taxation and to raise a standing army. Both of these shortcomings were rectified in the Constitution. However, enshrining the power to raise an army does not mahically conjure one from thin air.

The act of creating a national army from whole cloth could not be accomplished in short order, making the new Consititutional government wholly dependant on the states - and soon to be retired mechanisms of the Articles. Specifically, the power to elevate states militias as Federal troops as needed until the new Army was fully formed. To allow such necessities to stand as law, with clear lines of authority, responsibility and obligation (e.g.: compensation, arming, informing, …) the mechanisms were supported in law via several avenues one of which was in the post-Constitutional Convention document known as the Bill of Rights.

As the plain language of the 2nd Amendment makes clear, its is in militias where the necessity to “bear arms” rests. The “freedom” therein is not absolute as the “well-regulated” clause announces. The function of the Amendment is to add legal and jurisdictional clarity to the problems faced in “real time” in 1789 of creating a standing army from scratch WHILE still providing the Constitutionallt obliged duty to protect and defend the newly established Federal govrrnment of the United States.

Any reading of the history of the needs of the time and the language of the Constitution and its Amendments that purports to identify rights to individual self-armament is inventing a condition that is found nowhere in the documents nor the needs of the nascent nation.

Consider this too. Individuals serving in the US armed forces, today and in days past, are forbidden from carrying arms onto and/or within the confines of a base, post or station unless the performance of their assigned duties demand it. Penalties are clearly articulated and severe. Even those members whose duties involve the use if armaments must retreive and return said arms to lock-up in a controlled armory or like locker when not being used for active actions, exrcises or training.

In short, even those Americans charged with using firearms are subject to strict regulations regard their use, conveyance and storage. It is folly to believe that non-military and/or non-police personnel are free to arm themselves and move about the nation with such weapons constrained by nothing but their conscience or “good intentions”.


this shit needs to end. you have a right to bear arms as part of a militia, regulated by your state. you do not have a right to bring whatever guns you want wherever the fuck you want to bring them. no reasonable reading of Amendment II supports this sort of bullshit. this is intimidation. this is a threat. neither of those are protected “rights.”


This is not a topic to discuss whether or not posts are appropriate. If this discussion needs to be continued, I’d suggest bringing up any concerns here:

Let’s stay on topic, please.


Thank you. I should have taken this somewhere else, but I didn’t know about this.

Don’t worry, they won’t be able to appropriate the Hawaiian shirt. Something like that is possible with very specific symbols (you won’t be seeing me wearing a black and yellow Fred Perry polo shirt or innocently enjoying a Pepe the Frog comic strip) but whenever they go too broad with symbols that are already established in culture they fail to make their mark. People are still using tiki torches at their backyard barbecues, men are still wearing beards because they like it, and not because they want to look like badass special forces operators (although that’s why all these wannabe terrorists in the pictures were them) and the Hawaiian shirt will continue to be worn by dads around the world, as well as people like me that just want to communicate their joy that it is finally summer.


Arrested for what? She is clearly not being violent. Is there no constitutional right to free assembly?

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What if you attached your sign to your gun?


If you’re expecting @Scientist to justify her arrest, I think you’ve misunderstood.


Why would I expect that? I’m just asking them to supply further information while at the same time expressing exasperation at the state of the US.

I imagine that @Scientist remembers how many people were arrested but not precisely what BS grounds the police gave for arresting them.

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