White House canceled plans to mail face masks to every American home because Trump hates Amazon's Jeff Bezos and was feuding with USPS

When I had it in late March 2020, you did not want to go to a hospital to check (if you didnt have it, the hospitals were a hot zone and they couldnt really take patients with bodies piling up). I would hope your state allows you a free covid test. Mine does. The only ‘home test’ is complete loss of smell. That’s how I knew i definitely had it. Mine was a mild case probably b/c my exposure was minor. I believe it was from eating indoors at a restaurant on the last weekend NYC allowed it in March. Best advice is treat it like the flu, dayquill, nyquill, tons and tons of water (I cant stress that enough) and make sleeping your full time job. Godspeed.


I had a similar experience with the ‘tighty-whitey’ version that Hanes was selling through wal-mart with the ear loops being comicly short. at one point, I was using home-made extenders made of hair-ties and very small Nite-Ize ‘S’ biners, which more or less work. I’ve since gotten different masks which are more comfortable to wear, and have learned (more or less) how to best apply* the disposables that my employer forces on everyone when I have to go on site for something.

(* fold the mask in half to create a crease for the nose, put the mask on, and then pinch the bridge of one’s nose to form-fit it against your face. It helps a fair amount for fogging glasses, at least.)

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Wife got her Covid test just a bit ago, so we’ll know in a day or so. She’s still quite symptomatic (incl. the loss of taste & smell), while I’m feeling mostly better already. Thanks!!

EDIT: results back, test says SARS-COV2 “detected” - so, thank Dobbs I had enough SLACK banked to be mostly over it in a day or two; although the wife is still having a rough go of it, but at least is doing better than she was the other day.


That was conservative ‘humorist’ PJ O’Rourke. IIRC his quote goes, “Republicans say government doesn’t work. Then they take power and prove it.”


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