Sure, but then I couldn’t have griped about the capricious nature of the discourse restrictions. Also, why adding an invisible character to the end suddenly makes it a recognizable sentence is as mysterious as why adding a silent “h” to a name elevates a porn star to Prime Minister.
I write dates in ISO 8601 format on all shop job sheets, work logs, and time sheets. Neither the foreman nor my coworkers have said anything, so…progress?
I’ll keep being that tiny push. And that includes a soapbox speech about metrification to pre-apprentices trying to mentally calculate in SAE length units.
Delimiters or GTFO.
Oops I accidentally dropping a letter from a head of state’s name. ~Rump.
One is a soft porn star and a model, the other one is a lady of easy virtue who was summoned across the Atlantic to amuse your President. Forget popularity for a moment, I know which one has the elastic morality.
Completely off topic but I am reminded of the story the late King Hussein of Jordan used to tell about his time at Sandhurst. He had offended one of the sergeants, who said to him “You are a horrible little wog, your Majesty, Sir!”
You’d think that the experienced people at the State Department would have been in the loop to prevent this sort of faux pas.
No, you wouldn’t, given whose hand is on the tiller, son.
I suspect that was @RickMycroft’s point.
If you’re an Onion writer, I just want you to know, hold on, it does get better.
Well actually, it just keeps getting funnier. But this will pass too…
I forgot the sarcasm tag.
Me too, but I was utterly unable to resist the pun.
Fair enough. I’m still glad i ‘corrected’ you however, as i hadn’t noticed your wonderful pun.
Wow, this is a bit… North Korea.
The swearing-in ceremony that the picture depicts actually happened on 20 January, a day that Mr Trump has officially declared to be the “National Day of Patriotic Devotion”.
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