sorry, i work in a grocery store as well so i try to keep up. last i heard, there were several cases in the philly store…
i think there’s no way to be perfect when you’re interacting with the public and co-workers in tight spaces.
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and out west, a friend told me somebody at a whole foods died recently. ( which isn’t necessarily to call out whole foods in particular. covid is just plain dangerous. ) be as safe as you can. all anybody working can do is try to avoid the riskiest behaviors.
I have to ask, have you guys had to deal with the kind of obnoxious and now potentially violent idiots that we are reading about in other stores? And yes, stay safe. From the virus and from the idiots!!
In Tijuana, I haven’t encountered any violence, but there is a fair amount of lackadaisical attitude about masking up and social distancing. Businesses are definitely taking things seriously, but in the street many people do not appear to value the dangers of spreading the virus.
Only recently. I think people are becoming more frustrated and tired with each passing day. We’ve had a few incidents with people refusing to wear a mask or getting angry because they have to wait in a cue to get in. Nothing major though. For any business currently open in PA it is required for all employees and customers, to wear a face covering and limit the number of people inside. Banks, grocery stores, pharmacies, gas stations, etc…
I will admit I loathe wearing a mask for eight hours a day. Hot, sweaty and itchy.