White woman blocks black man from entering his own apartment building

A clever stratagem. Knowing that the video will go viral and she will be “discovered” as the next Dyan Cannon. Show biz careers have been started with less.

Then don’t.


Also…welcome to boingboing.


No, she was totally out of line. If you can’t see that I don’t know how to help. If, in fact, she believed he was there in error call the building manger, don’t harass some dude living his life.


Can you explain how you know it’s from racist intent? You just went on about white blindness, it’ll probably help to explain how you know it’s because she is racist.

Welcome to boingboing!
I actually never said anything about the current video. I was responding ephoph’s dilemma: If it is hard to see racism when you are white, ephoph doesn’t know how to tell what’s racist or not.



Oh sorry, I though the implication there was that it was racist, but since she was white she couldn’t tell. Looking back, I guess that was just an assumption, sorry for wasting your time.

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If it was me I would have re-fobbed. I would have understood that she did not see me fob and is assuming that I’m trying to break in.
She has a right to feel safe in her own building. Standing up to an intruder is not easy, especially a woman to a man.
Yes he has a right to anonymity, but it was also a jerk move (not refobbing). He gets to act all ‘manly’, defending his rights.

There can be a time when he isn’t sure if someone is trying to sneak in as he is leaving and will need to ask someone to ref-fob. If he doesn’t, it’s him that doesn’t care about the safety of the people in the building.
We have to remain civil to each other.

Why should he have to prove anything to anyone who has no actual authority over him?

Do you think the woman in question somehow has more rights than he does as a tenant of that building?

And if the woman in question was so worried about her safety, then why follow him herself, instead of immediately alerting the management?

Civility is only for the civilized. You can’t treat people like they matter less than you do and still expect them to be ‘polite’… and if you do, you’re setting yourself up for a shock…


So we all know that white pride is (unfortunately) a thing. Is white shame a thing? It should totally be a thing, because that’s what I feel right now.


I expect people to always be polite, no matter the circumstance. Being polite is a reflection of your own temperament, not on the situation.

We all have a responsibility to act. We can’t always defer to people in ‘power’.

What is clear is that she followed him to his apartment, watched him unlock the door with his key and then called the cops on him. Not cool.


This terrifies me. This is what leads to people shooting at random strangers who ask for directions. Why are people so afraid? What s wrong with people?


this child was shot dead by a grown adult who felt that exact same way. Come back to me and open your god damn mouth when it’s your child that is lying dead in the street and tell you feel the same way after that.


In a weird way I’m glad these stories are in the news. I was talking about this with a friend of mine and we found that the silver lining is that this shit was always happening, but now it’s getting attention as the abnormal nonsense it always was.

Wrong. Outrageous conduct merits outrage. Not being polite is not in itself outrageous conduct.


She should have told the cop to tell the person she had the package, and they can stop by and pick it up at their convenience. I am not saying they should then ignore the first few knocks on the door, but I might.

I assume on her note she listed their address, so they may not of known them, but after reading the note why would you call the police. I also assume she wasn’t carrying a running chainsaw when she knocked.
Being in a constant state of fear is a hell of a way to live.



Yep. Fuggin brain-nappers.