White woman blocks black man from entering his own apartment building

in the video she says that he “pushed” his way in through the door past her when she was leaving with her dog which is why she wanted to see his key fob or have him show her where the building keypad was. aka he entered as she was leaving, through the door she opened.

I do think it was unfortunate timing that triggered her inherent prejudice and suspicion, he just buzzed in right as she was leaving. to me the question is, would she have been alarmed if this was an old white lady, or would she have held the door open and ushered her in? i suspect the latter.

There is a undertone in her questioning, one that not so subtly implies that someone like him couldn’t live there and must surely be visiting or lying. she was pretty sure right up until he entered his apartment that she had caught someone breaking in.

i have some empathy for building fob security etiquette and protocols but that isn’t what had me concerned in this video it was the racism.

That is pretty illuminating as far as removing any possible shadow of a doubt about her motivation.

regular people just refer to them as friends and loved ones…racists are always very specific with their adjectives and qualifiers…this is my gay black female token friend.

lovely neighbors…


That is murder. Americans’ seem to be an extremist people.

I’ve had my ‘come to Noam Chomsky moment’. Liberals always seem to want to defer to authority or to create a policy. It took me many years to understand what Noam Chomsky meant by being an ‘anarchist’. It is everyone’s responsibility to act reasonably and try to resolve problems. We have to find each other’s humanity and treat each other like people invested in fixing things, acting like managers, stepping up.

you’re certainly making it look really, really difficult.


‘Expect’ all you like; I assure you that reality and most of the people living in it couldn’t care less about your expectations.


She stopped the guy that walked in without keying in, as she was walking out. He happened to be black.

Maybe you don’t live in a city, but if a random person tries to tailgate through an open door, I think it’s in everyone’s best interest for them to prove that they belong there. All he had to do was let her close the door, and then he could key in. Problem solved.

head desk

head desk

head desk

head desk

head desk

head desk


Did you see that on the footage somewhere?

Because the man in question had his fob on his key ring, which her later used to unlock his door, as seen at the very end, and according to him he had already buzzed in.

But just supposing that it happened exactly the way you just asserted; the woman in question followed the man to his door, watched him unlock and enter his apartment, and then still called the police.

He shouldn’t fucking have to do all that. She created the “problem.”


just go back and read any of the fully reported versions of the story before you charge in here to defend that crass racist by spouting misinformation already dealt with.


Right? Get off the bong and get on the stick!



That moment when irresponsible pot smokers make us all look bad…

Put that stress down, yo; it’s got you trippin’ dawg…


and another person who completely MISSES THE GOD DAMN POINT


Amazing how they didn’t even have the ability or desire to READ THE FUCKING THREAD.


I think what galls me about this story is that normally this wouldn’t be a huge issue (woman wants to feel safe, man volunteers to refob at the security door). Yet somehow in the United States this becomes some giant race/culture clash. America is a strange place, and I hope that it works out its problems.

Until I found out she called the police after she saw him open his apartment door, I was still hoping/dreaming/praying that this was a case of an overzealous person enforcing the “don’t let anyone in without a fob” rule. That could have been the case, regardless of Mr Toles’ race. Once that happened, it was clear what was the cause of her “fear.”

Yes. America is a strange place indeed. That’s our problem here. We are strange.

Again. Point clearly is over your head or comprehension. Enjoy your ignorance.


Did anyone else think she sounds a little tipsy?
And she looks like Amy Schumer.
Pointless comments, but those thoughts crossed my mind.

The other thought that crossed my mind as I watched was what an earlier commenter mentioned: if your spidey sense for whatever reason acts up, just politely and with humor blame the rule and say, “I didn’t see you use your fob, can I close the door and you reopen, God I feel stupid saying that etc”

And I hope that’s what you’d say to anyone, not only minorities because: dumbass, white people will rob you, too. BUT a good sign someone won’t is when they stand there patiently quietly asking you to move as they film the encounter.

Don’t drink a bottle of wine before you walk your guinea pig.



Try our country’s entire history is filled to brimming with hate-filled atrocities along with systemic exploitation, denigration, and marginalization that we’ve never properly addressed or even attempted to rectify and work forward from there.

And also while you’re at it, maybe step the fuck down off that astronomically high horse you’ve perched yourself on for a second.

Unless you don’t live this on this planet, everywhere has its’ own ingrained bigotry and senseless prejudices to overcome.


Put yourself in her position, she reasonably thinks a stranger is barging into a building that she lives in.

I think the heart of the matter is that her belief is not reasonable.

It looks like a pretty big building, so I doubt she knows everyone there. It’s possible she chases down all the white tenants and visitors demanding to see their key-fobs as well, but I very much doubt it.

It’s pretty clear the thing that made him “suspicious” was is color of his skin.


The government building where I work requires a security badge to buzz in. People without a badge have to sign in, go thru a whole process. We are supposed to decline holding the door for anyone without a badge.

It leads to some awkward moments but nothing a little humor can’t relieve. And if you feel THAT weird, you best just leave and find security. But this guy didn’t do anything alarming…

Seemed like he tried to tell her, show her his key fob. She seemed drunkenly intent on “catching” him trespassing. When she switched to wanting to know who he was visiting, she stopped herself from saying she wanted to see who would…have a black friend? If she’s not drunk, fooled me.

Drunk or not, she has deeper personal issues. Not the least of which will be her newest role HMH