After we find the answer to this, we also need to find the answer to why Alex hasn’t banned Nazis on Reddit. There are still hate-filled sewers of blatantly anti-semitic, anti-muslim, anti-lgbt, anti-immigrant, explicitly pro-Nazi forums there. They are “quarantined,” but what does that really mean? The neo-Nazis still get to plot and plan together. Reddit still gets to profit off of neo-Nazis’ ad revenue. The only thing “quarantines” mean is that, I think, the forums don’t show up in search results-- which is great for them! The neo-Nazi trolls get to keep below the radar, quietly acquiring members and sharing their hate ever more widely.
Oh, and I just learned a new neo-Nazi trope, along the lines of seemingly innocuous “Pepe” and “88.” If you ever see “Honk” or “Honk Honk” or oblique references to horns-- this has now been subverted to refer to “Heil Hitler.”
BREAKING NEWS I take it back! Reddit is going to be banning /r/CringeAnarcy within the day. It’s hilarious to see the li’l neo-Nazis scampering around in the few hours they have before their ban!
Maybe that’s because T_D looks like a crying smiley who had a stroke. Which seems somehow appropiate. (I know it’s a bad joke, I can’t help seeing it that way)
It’s occurred to me before to wonder what would happen if attention-mongering platforms like Twitter had an “anti-follow” or “shun” option. If I “shun” Turmp, it means that you can either follow me or him, but not both (if you are following more people who shun him than follow him, then you don’t see his posts; otherwise, you don’t see the posts of those who shun him). Since there is a cost to using this option, perhaps it would be exercised judiciously, and create a global incentive to not be too much of an asshole. Or, perhaps it would entrench polarisation, cleaving the platform into “Nazi twitter” and “human twitter” with no overlap; but then that wouldn’t be so bad either.
Really, though, this whole line of thought is just me falling into the trap of treating society as an autistic engineering puzzle; which is how we ended up with Twitter and Facebook in the first place. So I just circle back to my default position:
if republican politicians would end up banned if twitter automated the banning of users who spew white supremacist bullshit, the cognitive style of twitter is not the larger problem.
Do you actually have a problem with fascists in your twitter timeline? I’m no power user, but it’s not inordinately difficult for me to keep that shit out of my view.
This is about preventing the spread of fundamentalist terrorism, whether it be from ISIS or white nationalists, on the platform. Your method of shunning does nothing to address the problem.
So Jack, you are basically admitting that your algorithms suck, and you are putting out an inferior product because you are incapable of putting out a better one. Well, that’s very nice, nose-ring-boy, thanks for the candor about your impotence.
That doesn’t explain why you are taking money from the noted homo hatin’ grifter sleazebag Franklin Graham thru “sponsored tweets”, does it?
No, their algorithms work perfectly well at identifying and filtering white nationalist speech. They don’t suck at all. He’s simply not saying that a white supremacist filter would banninate every politician still leveraging the Southern Strategy, especially including those he is beholden to.
The explanation in the post doesn’t explain why an account I reported for denying the holocaust, praising Hitler, and using anti-Semitic slurs was temporarily banned and is back again using those same slurs in every post. Can accounts that repeatedly use slurs not be removed especially accounts that have previously been banned?
I guess, I understand what this is supposed to be … but … what is it supposed to be?
I get the color scheme and symbolism. But what’s going on with the ü ?
Any good Nazi parodist knows that they would have pronounced Twitter like Twit-Terr. And in general, overuse of ü is stereotypical for trying to make fun of the Turks not Nazis.