Why (or why not) to vote for Bernie Sanders

I have to say, if anyone wants to understand sexist double standards: Donald Trump said that someone else can’t win because they have an ugly face. Does Donald Trump know about mirrors?


I happened upon this today from CNN last Friday:

In the general election matchups, Clinton trails former neurosurgeon Ben Carson by a significant margin (51% Carson to 46% Clinton among registered voters) while running about evenly with both former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (49% Bush to 47% Clinton) and businessman Donald Trump (48% back each).

Even Biden did better on these one-to-one matchups. This is pretty brutal for Clinton. If she isn’t polling to beat any of the Republican frontrunners and other are, how could she be the nominee?

Of course the really crazy thing about the poll is that 48% percent of people said they would actually vote for Trump for president. That guy could honestly win.


I wouldn’t be surprised if 48% of people would vote for Satan ® and still claim that the Democrats are anti-christian.


And then, on the eve of Fall in Middle-Earth, Frodo Berngins made his way into Mordor


It’s nice to see some good reporting from Vox on Bernie! I’m watching them with a wary eye because I just found out through FAIR.org’s Counterspin program the other night that they get funding from Comcast who they glowingly reported on without disclosing that conflict of interest. That said, I just read the Vox article you linked to and it’s really balanced, good stuff in my opinion, so that’s great.


(NB: The highlighted name is one Ben Carson)


I’m from the tri-state area, been subjected to this asshat for at least twenty-five years, never once paid his noise any mind. The other day, when he said the bible was his second favorite book, scared the ever loving shit out of me because that’s when I realized he’s for real about this whole thing. It isn’t a joke - it is on a level of course, but the humor is mostly gone, I’m inclined to believe that this is a potential nightmare scenario. I think he gets dismissed at all right thinking people’s peril. I would love to be able to laugh it off, but I’m now of the position that that’s wishful minimizing of a very real risk.


Here I was, thinking, wouldn’t Trump v Sanders be a hoot, and now it’s beginning to seem more likely than not…


This question made me think of the Corbyn/Sanders phenomenon:

Perhaps people have concluded that, if you’re stuck with Monopoly Capitalism, then maybe you had better put the Actual Socialists in charge of regulating the goddamn monopolies.


Stay classy, Democrat SuperPAC (totally independent of Clinton, natch).


What a cowardly act. This kind of classic, status quo, political proxy crap isn’t going to go well for the Clinton campaign. They must be on crack if they think Sanders is like John Kerry and will just sit back and allow them to trash him. Sanders has integrity and bite… he’s no push over.

Yep, I think others and myself are going to need to investigate this little “Super” PAC and make them our pet project for a while…


Holy shit, it says in that article you linked that super PACs are ‘meant’ to be independent, rather than an obvious tool of a single candidate.

What a fucking joke. If I was USAnian, I’d be so tired of being turkey-slapped…


It surely isn’t a coincidence that Sanders rejects Super PACs and wants Citizens United overturned.


That’s his most important policy, in a long list of very important policies.


It will mean war. War of a scale and atrocity we haven’t seen in many decades as Trump figures out how to convert his knowledge of real estate development into knowledge of the military industrial juggernaut. I’m afraid of him. And more so for my kids who are approaching draftable age.


“USAnian”. I like it. Also, a USAhole.


On the radio in 2004 I heard Jim Hightower, campaigning on behalf of the Democratic ticket, say at a rally:

John Kerry may be a sack of cement
but it’s our job
to carry that sack of cement …

across the finish line!


I happened to watch an old Daily Show last night, the last appearance of Doris Goodwin Kearns on that show, and they were talking about how they had considered writing a book or doing some other big project together, and she said to him: now that you’re going to have some time on your hands you should work to overturn Citizens United, because it’s the single most important thing you could do for this country’s sake.

I really hope he takes her advice. It’s going to take more than one or two politicians to do it, so someone with his credentials would be extremely helpful in the fight.


Sanders has been striking back at the scumbags.

Meanwhile, Sanders supporters are looking into that Super PAC and the corrupt people behind it. They’re going to get exposed and it’s going to get ugly for Hillary while Sanders just ends up getting more donations from average Americans who are sick of the turkey-slappings (as you say).


Back in high school, when I read 1984, I remember thinking, “Wow, that doublespeak. What a concept. Seems so strange.”

And now, when I see phrases like “Citizens United” which has nothing to do with citizens or unity and Patriot Act and everything in this big pile of shit, I think, damn, how much more twisted can this fucked up world get?