Why (or why not) to vote for Bernie Sanders

With great power is supposed to come great responsibility, innit?

The nation is dying for someone responsible.


“While our national surveys have shown little discernible trend among all Democrats since the Iowa Caucuses, the movement among Latino voters suggests that a critical part of the so-called firewall of support that Clinton’s campaign had hoped to rely on among non-white Democrats may be crumbling.”


I’ve always taken a more anarcho-punk attitude to housework, myself.


The nation is dying because of political irresponsibility.




Not expecting a great result tomorrow, but this is an interesting article. I really do like how Sanders is running his campaign.


An apparently honest campaign focusing on constructive conversations. It feels so adult and mature and I confess I’m too jaded to know how to feel.


And here is a speech Sanders gave to the SCLC, which is mentioned in the above article that @daneel linked that got not attention - FYI:


Here’s what interesting about Clinton & Albright. What issue has Hillary Clinton been a mover and shaker on? Women’s rights are far and away the biggest single issue she has been activist on in her career. Far and away. Health care is a distant second. If you think about it, Hillary Clinton is a single issue candidate.

The issue is valid. I have no issue with the issue. Women’s equality and reproductive rights are under heavy attack right now. A clear half of the population. Those rights must be protected and enhanced.

But let’s talk about Albright’s motivations behind this endorsement for a minute.

When I heard Madeline Albright speak, she told us how at Wellesley when she went, the school administration used the school’s health department to take topless pictures, i.e. a “torso mugshot” of all the entering freshwomen to keep on file. No, not with the health department, but in the school administration’s office, as part of each student’s file, ostensibly as part of an enrollment health checkup. A topless photo! In her permanent file!!! I’m not even going to rant about the degrading humiliation perpetrated on a mass scale!!! Obviously male pigs running the place, those extreme fuckers. I’m glad they’re all dead now.

So, I totally get where Albright is coming from in endorsing Hillary Clinton, and I understand it as circling the wagons around this one issue. I have a great respect for Albright. I totally understand why she endorsed Hillary Clinton, but I think that her doing it for the sake of this one single issue is missing the forest for the trees.

After all, Bernie is not a single issue candidate, like Hillary Clinton, as she has tried to portray him. He is an across-the-board civil rights activist. He has spent a 50 year career fighting for women, minorities, children, the poor and middle class: everyone who’s not a rich, white, protestant male. And even then, he would not sacrifice the wasps, just maybe tax them fairly and move on to the next pressing issue.

And I don’t hate Hillary Clinton, Albright, Steinem. Hate is too strong of a word. I simply think they are not fully representative of the type of civil rights activism and leadership that we so desperately need. They represent the status quo of the Wall Street-Prison-Military-Industrial complex that is sucking the life out of the poor and middle class and preventing real change from happening.


I think she’s been looking to further her OWN career and has branded that as feminist…It’s the capitalist version of feminism where it’s about getting ahead where one can and assuming that is a boon to all women. It does nothing to touch the structure of patriarchy, it merely allows some women into the circle of power and assumes that’s enough. I really don’t think that her rising tide will actually lift all feminist boats…

Exactly. And when women do that, it’s just as bad as when men do it…


[quote=“Mindysan33, post:1031, topic:59394, full:true”]It’s the capitalist version of feminism where it’s about getting ahead where one can and assuming that is a boon to all women. It does nothing to touch the structure of patriarchy, it merely allows some women into the circle of power and assumes that’s enough. I really don’t think that her rising tide will actually lift all feminist boats…

Bingo. Clinton is fighting for a world in which both women and men are given the opportunity to become plutocrats.

No thanks.


I just merged the 2004 and 2016 charts.

If Hillary gets the nomination I’m just going to start referring to the two parties as Team Red and Team Blue, because honestly, there will be no more difference between the two parties than there is between to sport teams.

Yes, Hillary might be better than the Republican candidates regarding civil rights, but I am left asking what other nasty surprises she has planned for us.


Well crap:

I always hated South Carolina anyway.

Will Clinton’s win today help her win SC in Nov? Pfft.



Oh, no, SC will go for the republican, no doubt.

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Milli Vanilli and Ted Nugent


2016: KKK or BlackLivesMatter

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Not sure that works, since BLM isn’t really united behind either Bernie or Mrs. Clinton.


But there is no doubt that the KKK is fully behind Trump…

Also, Killer Mike is awesome-sauce…