Why the Twilight series doesn’t deserve our hatred

You read the worst book in the series.

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I personally think it was the nerfed vampires that kicked off the hate, as it came out after Anne Rice’s Lestat series had run out of steam and whilst Vampire: the Masquerade was still popular. That, and Matthew Inman’s takedown as The Oatmeal really hit a nerve, though it is unabashedly a male view.

For reference: http://theoatmeal.com/story/twilight

EDIT: I also want to state that I hold no opinion, as I have not read the books nor watched the movies. I just enjoy watching how the haters work overtime on their one-upmanship.

Twilight, Hunger Games, Divergent, were all pretty bad. Harry Potter is pretty good if you don’t think about it too hard. Really good young adult stuff is anything by Tamora Pierce.

I liked Hunger Games.


Everyone is allowed to like rubbish things. :joy:

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This is bullcrap. Twilight is junk. I’m sure Stephenie Meyer is a perfectly nice person and I hate neither her nor her work. But I read Twilight with moderately high expectations and it was absolute crap. Bad writing that glorifies abusive relationships (I’m looking at you Edward Cullen) doesn’t get a pass because of who wrote it or whom the primary fan base is.

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You’re free to be wrong. :wink:


I like you

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Likewise. (Still, I see what you did there.)

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As a Nearby-Canadian:

  1. Sorry about those guys.
  2. Fark those guys, seriously.

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