Some people pay good hard cash for that kind’a fun.
Chauvinist pig.
Happily, rabies is not endemic to the Bahamas. No venomous snakes either.
Good catch! Thx
I thought about that but decided the pig in the photo hadn’t eaten bacon before and so chicken was the closest approximation he had personal experience with.
Just another pig looking for some ass.
“What does it taste like?”
“Eewh! Everybody hates a tourist.”
“Do you want to catch a disease?”
“Because that’s how you catch a disease!”
As a tourist attraction, this could outdraw the Running of the Bulls.
That’s why it’s called “long pig.”
Now I know what to binge watch this weekend - Being Human.
Golly, with that thing running around the beach all day, the communicable diseases it could have… no thank you…
Plus who knows what that pig might have as well.
Nice riff on the old 1950’s Coppertone print ad.
She’s the other white meat.
You laugh. Billy McFarland of Fyre Festival fame (or infamy) paid $250k to influencer Kendall J. for one Instagram post. Nice work if you can get it. Also the chick from Blurred Lines video.
I’ve been to this beach. It’s on Big Major’s Cay in the Exumas. Some of these pigs are very large, and it was rather alarming (not really cute) to see several swimming towards me. I didn’t actually make it all the way to the beach, and never did see the cute piglets or the chickens, either.