Willie Nelson's new hemp coffee

Are you sure it wasn’t one of the Carry On films?

Good call, in principle. But, no, pretty sure it was definitely a technicolour US sophisticated comedy film, probably of the 1960s era with Rock/Cary, Doris/Debbie, Tony Randall type characters. I probably last saw it 40 years or so ago, so who knows. (But I’ll check - a good excuse to revisit Sid and co!)


You say that like it’s a bad thing…


Well, it’s not as if I have all the time in the world, and it is a rabbit-hole with unplumbed depths and risk of not surfacing for long time. But no, rabbit holes are not at all bad per se.
That one is always worth a visit. But I’m late for a very important date! :wink:


Is guitar shaped vaporizer ( Trigger ) soon to follow?


Incroyable! This is one of the best LdF flicks. Although the Fantomas series was also very entertaining. Another highlight is ‘Le Gendarme de Saint Tropez’ where he rides with a nun in a 2CV - which happens to be one of my favorite modes of transportation. :smiley:

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I remember that scene! Priceless and so true!

Okay, I am not supposed to post too many replies to one person.
But it is of course meant for everybody else as well. :slight_smile:

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Dang that is one fine fine miniature. We love Trigger here in ATX.

And of course, we love Willie.

Willie is the great uniter in Texas. His shows have some of the most age-diverse crowds I’ve seen. Not so color-diverse, but we’re working on it.

I really want that t-shirt Willie’s wearing. It’s just mysterious enough…


Like with Irish coffee?

The amount of alcohol and caffeine in those isn’t going to be bad i presume, unless someone is willingly going overboard.

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