Wisconsin bar owner suggests killing NFL players who kneel

And a collective “Fuck That Guy” was heard around the world.

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I like that I can scroll up from below and know it’s your contribution before I see your fangs. Damn well said.


Step one: stop seeking permission.

Pretty much like falling off a log after that.


Bigots or not, they spoke out to deny support of bigotry when somebody close to them expressed it. That’s generally considered a good thing, if more people did so we’d have a lot less active bigotry.

Its also more then our president has so far been able to unequivocally manage to do.


Be honest; its all the memes isn’t it?


Seriously though; I’ve quoted ‘Excuses’ more on this site in the last year than I have since I pledged over 20 years ago… and they had us reciting it daily when I was on line.


“Officer when I said I wished my wife was dead I didn’t MEAN IT. I mean it was a total accident when that rat poison got in her food”

Funny how when someone says “hey I’d like it if I didn’t have to fear being killed by a cop” is met with “you aren’t serious. Cops don’t do that”.

Then someone says “I want you dead for exercising your freedom of speech” is justified as “but he doesn’t mean literally dead”.

How about this. If you don’t LITERALLY want someone executed then don"t LITERALLY use the word execute.


This may be true, indeed. And if this fellow decided to engage in conversation, bring his concerns up in public, hold a meeting, write a letter to the editor, or just talk over these thoughts with people he knows, then civilized debate and exchange of ideas can happen, and someone might be able to get across to him why these players’ silent protests aren’t aimed at him or are meant to desecrate the flag or whatever else he’s imagining. And might very well change his mind.

Unfortunately, he decided to do the cowardly thing and just vent his spleen on Facebook, making his thoughts echo all over the place aimlessly and reflect on the business he owns in the process. Now everyone knows that the guy who owns the bar is encouraging its patrons to murder NFL players. He deserves scorn and the bar should definitely distance itself from him.


it’s their dankess, your Dankness.


Myself, I’ve never said I want anyone dead. But I understand your point.

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Oh I know you weren’t saying it. I am parroting to your reply. I do not want to respond directly to the other person. I just can’t engage fully in that.


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For reasons that a jaundiced observer might be inclined to suspect involve “never having been deserving of any” there seem to be a great many people who do not draw a distinction between ‘respect’ and ‘imposed deference’.

These are, obviously, even less likely than usual to recognize the “If it demands respect it probably doesn’t deserve it” phenomenon.


Yes. Let’s go change their minds one at a time, while the leader of the free world is encouraging their behavior. I’m sure we’ll get them all turned around right about when hell freezes over.


The flip side isn’t much better: by shunning them and enforcing “correct thinking” you get a massive part of the country that resents liberal oppression. To see where this is headed, have a look at Russia. (Hint: the liberals aren’t very influential there anymore).

If “enforcing correct thinking” means condemning a person for literally telling people they should murder NFL players, then dosvedana, comrade


Oh, condemn away. It’s the condemning by name and address on a national international forum (not just BoingBoing of course), that’s likely to ruin someone’s life and business, that is the subject of this particular subset of the discussion.

Maybe the locally-well-known owner of a very large and popular restaurant should have thought of that before posting death threats on Facebook under his own name.

Any condemning of him using his name and business address are pretty much brought on himself at that point. I have zero sympathy.


It’s not like he someone doxxed him. He posted it under his own name on a public platform.



It needs to be said because because the crazy people are slowly gaining ground, Humba.


Actions have consequences and the world isn’t fair.

That’s a bit of an insult to the people who have mental health issues but are not insufferable sociopathic assholes.

I agree that those with nefarious intent are gaining ground, quickly.