Woman arrested and handcuffed in Georgia for driving with a Canadian license

Technically, we’re Canuckistanis


Aaaaannnnd then, she paid her bond in $2 bills, which means she’s a counterfeiter cuz there’s no such thing!


But I didn’t argue that at all did I now.

And if you want to have that argument the state laws say that they need the international drivers license as well as either original or certified copies of the other documents (birth cert, nexus card, etc). A copy of it on your phone is neither of those.

Which even given that is still not enough to arrest her which I said was my my opinion and perspective. Please re read what i said my feelings on the matter were.

And yet we’re all taught to believe that ignorance of the law is no excuse. In yet another area, police are not held to the same standards the rest of us are and thanks to SCOTUS this has been codified into case law.


I have a map of the United States and it has a X through Georgia and Louisianan. These states should be condemn and lose their statehood.

More summonses = more money for local towns. I think this is the dirty secret of law enforcement that people rarely discuss: towns using police as a way to generate revenue from lower classes and out-of-towners so they can maintain low taxes. I recall hearing this re: Ferguson in particular, as well as from personal experience with ticket-based over-policing in smalltown NJ.

I expect that many police, especially in smaller areas, are expected to produce in accordance with informal but real expectations that are de facto quotas.

Welcome to our police state. Come on vacation, leave on probation.


Weird. I heard this song playing in a store this morning.

Now all I need is for somebody to say “plate of shrimp.”


that oxford american article contains this useful tidbit.

Courthouse thugs like Dawson derived their power from Georgia’s antiquated “county unit” system, in which even the smallest county in the state was guaranteed a seat in the General Assembly, diluting and disempowering the growing urban concentrations of blacks. (This is why Georgia has 159 counties even today, second only to Texas.) Some of the counties arguably never should have been created in the first place, like Long County, home of Ludowici, which was hastily carved out in 1920 and named for the first surgeon in the world to use anesthesia. Nothing much ever grew there except old trees and Spanish moss and a few marginal fields of tobacco and corn; water quickly seeped into any holes dug in the sandy soil. As the Long County seat, Ludowici had a population of barely 1,500 people in its prime, though, like Georgia’s other rotten boroughs, it still commanded outsized power for its ability to deliver votes to the Democratic machine in Atlanta, and rural despots could run things as they pleased. “Votes often are sold for a dollar and a slug of stump rum,” noted Harper’s writer Calvin Kytle in 1948. “The dead and insane are voted, returns frequently are not counted at all but concocted.”

a perfect rejoinder for when republicans proudly boast of their candidate winning more counties


Did the driver apologize for being arrested? May not be an actual Canadian


Touque? Kraft dinner, maple syrup and poutine in your beard? You always travel with an Orion slave girl?

  1. Cruise Control is your friend. I myself have found that while engaging any other system in the vehicle, I have a tendency to either slow way down or speed way up, perhaps because I’m maintaining attention on the road rather than speed.

  2. Stop futzing! Pull over if you need to make adjustments. Clearly you are too distracted to notice police, which sounds to me like you are too distracted to notice other imminent hazards to yourself or others.


What, wait. Isn’t that actress Carrie Preston?

yep. Australia will be swiping left on her even for vacations and they have fucking macropods, thank you Georgia very much.

The thing about “non-US citizens” is interesting and potentially worrying to me.

I am a dual citizen currently living outside the US. I have held a US driver’s license* in the past, but it expired. I haven’t been particularly anxious to renew it, because I always thought that I could drive on my (valid) foreign licence* when visiting the US.

Now it looks like it might technically be illegal, at least in some states, for me to drive without a valid US license even though I would be allowed to if I wasn’t a citizen…

*spelling differences are deliberate


Do I recall entirely wrong, or wasn’t there a trend of racist people referring to African-Americans as “Canadians” as some kind of an euphemism or dogwhistle or something?

The entrance form for Australia asks if you’ve been convicted of a crime, not if you’ve been arrested.


Give him a break, Heraclito’s just a bit of a leadfutz. :stuck_out_tongue:

When I went to Australia, they asked if I had a criminal record.
I said, “I didn’t know you still needed one.”


This happened to my first college roommate, except add some weirdly ironic racism because she was from New Mexico. Ironic because she was a white English-only speaker with a very non-hispanic name, like if she was doing a long con acting like she wasn’t an immigrant she deserved an Oscar for the dedicated performance. I thought the old joke about people in various parts of the US thinking New Mexico was a foreign country were the stuff of SNL skits, but no apparently they are out there oddly enough in jobs you would think would expose them to most of the names of the States in this Country. At the time it was kind of a let down for me though because I’d kind of come to believe that all the worst people were just in Texas, so it kind of reminded me I’d never escape hopelessly ignorant and shitty people just by relocating my body. It happened once or twice in front of me too, but mostly with students. I never got to see any officials in action this way. I do distinctly remember this hopelessly awful young man coming up to hit on her because she was very pretty, asking where she was from, then launching into questions about what it’s like to be going to school in America and how she lost her accent. She waited for him to finish his speech, politely mentioned that she said “NEW Mexico” which is a State, and the guy to his credit just turned around and walked away.

Makes me kind of wonder about things like this case. Is it stupidity hyped up on xenophobic fears of foreigners destroying America, or is it greed and laziness? Both?