Woman asked to remove "Hail Satan" T-shirt on American Airlines flight

Right? She probably won’t talk your ear off. She might bite it off, but she won’t talk it off. (Badump-psssh)


Everybody else takes double damage.


Alternatively… It’s Crosby with the rebound. He shoots, he scores!


Militant agnosticism: I don’t know, and you don’t know either!


Maybe publishing the names of pilots and crew members who arbitrarily exercise their §121.580 power would make others think twice before before doing the same.

That’s not how “First Amendment Rights” work.


I know this is pedantic af, but for the millionth freakin’ time, that is baphomet, a pagan god of fertility, and not Satan.

Satan’s in the white house right now, you could post a picture of him instead :wink:



You don’t know what’s in her heart. Maybe it was an expression of devotion, maybe it’s just what she had clean in the laundry. Furthermore, plenty of religions consider it virtuous to proclaim one’s faith. That’s not “driving trollies.”


If that’s all it takes to get a refund on my flight you can expect me to be wearing all sorts of shirts hailing Satan, Cthulhu and whatever other boogermen scared Christians seem to fear this year.

Of course, Cthulhu would probably not be recognized as it would require some basic literacy to be threatened.


Immaterial. They take a risk. Taking a risk against any injustice doesn’t confer any moral responsibility on the risk-taker.

So better to bow down before religious authoritarians? I mean, yeah, in the short-term that’s definitely safer. At what cost? Throughout most of the history of this Pale Blue Dot do you know what most people who believe in a Sky Daddy have done to those those of us who don’t publicly submit? Maybe consider that refusing to kowtow to them isn’t foolhardy, but rather courageous.


You provide the best historical context on this forum. IMNSHO you’ve nothing to be sorry about.


If he’s good enough for the Satanic Temple to build a monument to then he’s good enough for a Satan fangirl to wear as a back tattoo.

I mean Lucifer himself is just an angel who had creative differences with his boss, right? How are you supposed to get Christian Fundamentalists worked up with an illustration of a beautiful man with big feathery wings?


So people wearing turbans/hijabs/yarmulkes/etc. are doing so “to get a reaction from people,” and if they don’t want to be harassed, questioned, or mocked, they should stay out of public view?

Um, what?


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Thing is- even they know this.

I’m quite sure the only reason they picked Baphomet is because a lot of it is simply trolling Christianity, as well as doing good works. Because in part there is no one accepted visage of Satan, they chose to use Baphomet since Christians seem to confuse him with Lucifer, which helps them get their point across in any case more quickly, which is to piss off irrational Christians.

Which is most of them.

It’s actually kind of hilarious which is part of the point.

Honestly I’d join them, but I’m tired of religious baggage and having to explain it to people but for some reason I’m doing it here right now.

I think every religion is irrational and a waste of fucking time. I spent too much of my life contemplating the meaning of my own existence and going down that rabbit hole of existential dread too much to ever worry about what’s going to happen to me after I’m worm food for even a second further.


As far as I can tell the entire “Satanist” movement is simply driving trollies Christianity. Few if any people seem to be genuinely and unironically worshipping Lucifer.


No, that was interesting; thank you. As a not American, I only have a very passing knowledge of your history.


Discrimination based on the perception of a customer’s religion?
That’s a suing


Do people who wear crosses in public have to worry about what other people think? If not, then neither should anyone else.