Woman charged in the shoving death of 87-year-old singing coach hires Harvey Weinstein’s lawyer

Oh! That too!

Happy Joel Mchale GIF by ABC Network

It’s clear that the rich and entitled are just the new oppressed minority… /s


Which is being an attorney who specialises in providing ridiculous defenses for any scumbag willing to pay his high fees. No-one is claiming that particular job shouldn’t exist in our legal system, just that it tends to draw greedy and attention-seeking sleazeballs as a matter of course.

Here’s an excerpt from article about him pre-Weinstein:

It’s easy to be turned off by Arthur Aidala. He’s loud, he’s brash, and he has to have the last word. Even his job title is somehow off-putting: criminal defense attorney.

His clients don’t help. As the new go-to lawyer for those living the worst-case scenario, he’s currently representing football legend Lawrence Taylor, charged in May with statutory rape of a 16-year-old girl he allegedly paid for sex.

And over the past year or so, Mr. Aidala has been on a well-publicized roll. He represented police officer Andrew Kelly, who was drinking and driving when he struck and killed a Brooklyn woman last year; crane operator William Rapetti, whose company was responsible for rigging the construction crane that collapsed in 2008, killing seven people; Baruch Mordechai Lebovits, an Orthodox rabbi accused of molesting boys in Borough Park; and Brigitte Harris, a 27-year-old woman who handcuffed her abusive father to a chair, suffocated him with a gag and cut off his genitals with a scalpel.

It’s an unsavory list, as Mr. Aidala knows, but that is why he fights so hard for them in court.

“My typical client has never been arrested before,” says the 42-year-old former assistant district attorney. “These are good people who broke the law a little bit—not a lot, just a little! They know they’ll have to pay for it, but should they have to pay for the rest of their lives?”

As I noted above, her parents found the perfect defense attorney for their little girl.




5 posts were split to a new topic: On the importance of properly labelling those who kill people

I’m not, in any way, saying you shouldn’t say mean things about him. I’m saying that serial sexual predator, lying, corrupt, twice-impeached, hypocrite is more than enough. I’m just saying that fat, speculatively genitally equipped, is not a judgment of his, or anyone’s character, and, as such, shouldn’t be included in the above list.

In this case, I’m saying that people quickly dogpile on people for being Defense Attorneys and defending people they don’t like. It’s the exact same case of what we saw on display in the appointment hearing yesterday. “How dare a justice defend terrorists in guantanamo?” Because they’re due a defence. We’re quick to accept police arguments and prosecutors scaring us, but we are really comfortable maligning people for defending those who stand accused by the state, despite the fact that, for most of us, they’re the ones that are most likely to be the ones we need in the future.

(Though I will concede, this guy clearly doesn’t care to defend people who can’t manage to get him the publicity or sizeable paycheck he expects :roll_eyes:)

Won’t someone think of the fascists and high powered attorneys?!? /s


No. People are piling on a scumbag defense attorney for choosing rich clients and making both terrible and insincere arguments in defense of that client. There are plenty of good defense attorneys, even private ones. This attorney is not an ethical attorney. How do we know this? The bullshit he is spouting in front of the court. His client list is merely a reflection of his scumbaggery.


I saw, I think, in the Gothamist writeup of the original shoving, that one of the commenters had actually had a run-in with the perpetrator before.

Yeah, found it:

I think I had an encounter with this person one evening recently on Columbus Ave. in the 70s. A young woman who looked like a rich hippie bumped into me hard, apparently intentionly, then yelled, Watch out bi*ch!" She had long hair like in the picture, was slightly stout, and was wearing a long skirt in multi shades of red with bits of material hanging off it, a designer rich gypsy look. I took her for an exceptionally spoiled teenager, but she could have been older. I was looking at the skirt as she came toward me and wasn’t expecting the behavior.

In the comments at Female suspect shoved 87-year-old woman in Manhattan: NYPD - Gothamist

Istm this is not her first rodeo. Woman has issues.


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