Woman expresses her displeasure at KFC

Massachusetts or Rhode Island? “Retahded” always seems like more of a Massachusetts thing to me; Southie or Quincy maybe.


The last two times I attempted the KFC closest to me they were out of chicken and it would be a 15-20 minute wait. Both times between 5-6pm. I just stopped going there.

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It’s definitely an Eastern MA phrase (I still hear it a lot, and not just in those two neighborhoods), but the way she’s saying it sounds wrong, affected, I would guess she’s actually a college student from outside the state mocking the servers by using the local parlance, like if I were in Alabama and said “Shucks! yee-haww!” in a bad Southern accent to piss someone off.


Not America, Australia or New Zealand most likely. The “olmost gautcha” gave it away to me, but the poster on the wall for Krushers, which are only available in Aussie and Kiwi KFCs, sealed the deal.


I heard that too, but chalked it up to her being drunk.

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Ah, good intel. I assumed Krushers was some kind of KFC thing. I’ve never actually eaten there.


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clearly they ran out of hot wings and she was not having any of it. #justified


I’m assuming she’s been charged. It’s one thing to drunkenly yell like a fool but entirely another to destroy property and assault people.

The Kentucky Derby, at least, is still called the Kentucky Derby.


Well that WILL probably annoy the worms.


For a while at least (until Kentucky reduced their demanded fees), it was officially renamed “The Run for the Roses”. KFC reached a settlement with them around 2006 and is allowed to use the name again as well.

They were also demanding more in licensing fees from Neil Diamond for each play of “Kentucky Woman” than he was receiving in performance royalties.

I don’t even understand…cause I’ve experienced this multiple times. It has to be the frequency of customers has just went down from 20 years ago. But then again I remember a time when a 10 piece meal was $10.

There are 5 KFC’s around my area and I’m not saying this to be stereotypical or racist, but the one in the higher African-American populated area is by far the best. Sure I might be the only white person in the restaurant, but if I’m shelling out $20 for chicken I’m driving to the good one. The 2nd best is near the mall and lots of shopping, so turnover is decent. Frankly I don’t get the stereotype of blacks and fried chicken…I live in the South - EVERYONE LOVE FRIED CHICKEN.

Yeah, I was thinking that.


To me she comes across as performing, as in she may have been pissed (in both senses of the word) but didn’t really seem like she was out of control angry. As such I’ll give her performance a C-. I’d say the odds are good that she’s an internet wannabe star and she went into this with the intention of being recorded.

I used to live in a town in Rhode Island where there were so many donut places, people used them as landmarks when they gave directions:

“You know where the Dunkies is downtown? Well, take a right there, and go until you get to where Tim Horton’s used to be. If you see Bess Eaton, you’ve gone to far.”

I wish I were kidding.


I didn’t know you had been over to the UK.

I was just up in that area a few weeks ago (Ipswich, MA) and it is absolutely astounding how many Dunkin Donuts there are. Like, how could the population even sustain them? There were 2-3 in some of the smaller towns.


There are seven Dunkin Donuts and one Honey Dew in the town I’m thinking of. Just over the border in Massachusetts there are 3 additional Dunkies, and another Honey Dew.

A fair proportion of the populace (by numbers, not mass) looks like they live exclusively off donuts and coffee with 10 creams, 15 sugars and a half dozen flavor shots.

It’s a strange, unsightly place and I’m glad I don’t live there anymore.