Woman fights hot tub cover on a windy day

“Nevertheless, she persisted” ?


That was my immediate thought as well. But, YCFS.

Looks like she lived to fight another day.

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Is it just me, or is this vid better than most porn?

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Um… that begs the question, “What kind of porn are you watching?”


Hilarious!! Im the one in vid and was trying to pick the right background music but this would have been AWESOME!!!

I’M Working on igniting smiles everywhere!! :sun_with_face:I’m on SC and IG is FittCoach (not Crosfit…it’s RighFitt)


I’m that woman and YASSS that was an adventure… no other way to go about it with the cover bolted down on one side but your comments crack me up. @Mister44 we call them caviar problems lol! Anyhow - working on igniting smiles - find me on FB @caleywoodwardcarroll or IG at FittCoach


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