Woman Herschel Walker paid to have abortion is also mother of his child

When they were waxing nostalgically about WW II, America’s supposed last “great war.”

Never mind the usual illogic of becoming the Nazis that America supposedly singlehandedly defeated back then.


Trump usually just goes with a denial of reality, but Walker made the mistake of not just denying it, but making an (easily) falsifiable statement about the woman. Denying he even knew her was an unnecessary step too far.

Not that his supporters care that he’s lying, of course. (Which is also why simply saying, “no, it’s not true,” even in the face of the facts, would have been sufficient.)

Unfortunately a certain percentage of the Republican congresscritters are already drooling morons, so he’d just be joining the crowd. The ones doing performative stupidity get all the attention, but there are some quietly stupid ones, too. Though yeah, the more of them there are, the more dangerous they are.

That very well might play a role, but he knows her, and he’s aware he knows her. He’s not that far gone that he’s forgotten the mother of one of his children. All the various lying strategies he was potentially using, if he actually believed they’d work show cognitive issues on his part, I’m just wondering which he was going for.

That’s the default stance of American conservatism right now, yeah. The rules are there to protect them and punish everyone else.

Conservative Christianity is basically a folk religion that consists of whatever they happen to believe in, politically, which they attribute to their god. One thing conservative Christians really don’t like is liberal Christians. They’re special boogeymen to the conservatives - in their apocalyptic fiction, for example, the Anti-Christ’s followers are usually liberal Christians, not atheists or Satanists or some other religion…


Shocker, he lied about knowing the woman. The New York times is also reporting that two years later the woman got pregnant and he encouraged her to get another abortion but she decided to have the child.


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