Woman in sailor suit tells Infowars reporter that Infowars people have worms in their brain

They think Hitler was left wing. They don’t have any comeback for Augusto Pinochet though, although a few will attempt to defend him.


[Holding 10-foot pole in left hand, & an 11-foot pole in the right hand] : “Nope. They’re both too short. I’m not touching either one of those sonsabitches.”

No, they say shit like that to piss off the left wing.

Just like the retard trollies who say that the DNC is the party of the KKK (because the chants of “Unite the Right” didn’t exist in their mind).

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insert Peter Sellers.

Par for the course. (For architects.)

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The XX chromosomes are not required.


Oh I meant the person in the painting. I know the girl in the video is not a guy :smile:

Ah, whoops, my bad. Momentary lapse in reading comprehension there.

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Kinda true, but these people often as not don’t know enough history (just what Breitbart and Infowars tell them) for them to know about the part where the Southern Democrats all went running to the Republican party in the 60’s.

They also really don’t like hearing that this makes claims of the “Party of Lincoln” rather disingenuous.


Not all of them.

While the arguments of the right regarding the pro-slavery/segregation history of the Dems are made in bad faith, I think it’s important not to go too far in the pushback. The history of the Democratic party is disgraceful, and white supremacy is a bipartisan thing.


They have Thanksgiving in Canuckistan. It’s the second Monday in October.


By November we wouldn’t be able to find the turkeys in the snow drifts.


I hear ya. Growing up in the Twin Cities there were quite a few Thanksgivings that fell after the season’s first significant snow.

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Wouldn’t people with those conditions be intersex women rather than cis-women?

Intersex is a different spectrum to trans/cisgender. Intersex is about gender assignment at birth, trans/cis is about how happy that individual is with that assignment.

There is an argument that gender dysphoria is also an intersex condition, but not all trans people have gender dysphoria.


Ah, gotcha. Thank you! <3


Why not both?

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Sure, but don’t just stop at Democratic party and USA; add Republican Party and a whole bunch of other things too.

The topic at hand was the Democratic Party, not everything wrong with the U.S. of A.

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yeah, like InfoWars, as a random example.