Originally published at: Woman in subway has a computer monitor for a head | Boing Boing
Probably is a 486 DX2 66 MHz…
She is actually in Grand Central Station (railroad terminal), not part of the subway.
Or a casually dressed Canti:
Google glasses prototype #1?
Yeah this is totally Saga cosplay
I for one, welcome the arrival of our new computer-monitor-head overlords!
Maybe she is looking for the concession stand?
That monitor seems popular for modding.
She’s testing a new head-up display for augmented reality.
Judging by that monitor, there’s no chance she has built-in WiFi, let alone GPS like the OP says. No wonder she’s lost, she doesn’t even have a webcam, so she can’t see!
Came here just to post this.
Not disappointed, thanks for sparing me the effort!
She needs to have an interactive Max Headroom displayed on the monitor.
Yes, time for mashup of CRT housing with flat panel. Maybe a camera and display goggles for navigation, and we can live the screenhead dream.
maybe you do something clever with pepper’s ghost so you can see out well enough with the image floating in front of your face. ( wear a ski mask underneath so it’s just your eyes and mouth visible behind the screen… that will make everyone much more comfortable )