Woman loses £650,000 disability lawsuit after it emerges she won Christmas tree-throwing competition after claim

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/02/26/woman-loses-650000-disability-lawsuit-after-it-emerges-she-won-christmas-tree-throwing-competition-after-claim.html


the newspaper reported the disclosures made to the court sitting in Limerick

A limerick, you say?

A woman with courts on her side,
could have continued her ride,
but where all could see,
she did throw a tree,
and then all could see she had lied.


I am definitely physically fit enough that I would not sue anybody (at the time of this writing) claiming to be unable to work.

I am also not physically fit enough that I feel I am likely to even be an also ran in a christmas tree throwing competition.

I swear some folk think that the internet doesn’t store things longer than a week or so and that people can’t search for and find that stuff. If you want to pull this sort of shit then I hope you never use social media, and indeed nor do your friends, nor any businesses you patronise, nor any competitions you enter. Which… good luck with that. Meaning “win two different lotteries on the same day” luck. Perhaps even “two lotteries, same day, and no media reporting on this weird occurance” luck.

I want to give the benefit of the doubt here, because I don’t want this to set a precedent.

In my own experience, I suffer from chronic hand/wrist pain and difficulty of use. This alone isn’t enough to claim disability, because technically my hand/wrist does work and I can use it without damaging it, it’s just really really painful. This has limited the jobs I can apply and work for. And even then, since it’s technically not a disability, any employer can be a jerk and add reasonable duties that would make my life hell and force me to quit.

I choose not to let that limit me all the time, though. One of my hobbies is a trading card game. Shuffling a deck of cards is usually OK. Preparing a deck–that is, building it, sleeving the cards, doing many test plays–can be painful I pick and choose when and if I want to do it, knowing I’ll be eating tylenol and advil like candy for a few days afterwards.

If I want to show off a new deck at my local game store on a weekend, I know I have to get it prepared the week before so I have several days to recover so I’m not guaranteed to be in pain on game day. And if preparation gets too much, I stop. And even on game days, it’s hit or miss whether I feel well enough to go in and even just do the strenuous task of shuffling cards. And sometimes I leave early.

I say this to point out that spontaneous participation in something fun, knowing it’ll come at a cost of pain and recovery, is different from committing to scheduled work that you must perform and can’t back out of.

I’d be willing to bet that the lawyers of an insurance company were much better paid than what a person who’s been out of work for five years and apparently had to sue her insurance company in order to get a payout could afford.


I think the surname has been misquoted.
Should be Grabkash.


Clearly this Christmas-tree throwing superpower is a side effect of the crippling injury caused by the radioactive spider-bite…

More like disabilitree, amirite?


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