Woman steals package from porch, breaks her leg tripping on the lawn

Do you have a source for that? Broken windows theory has been largely discredited:

Social science has not been kind to the broken windows theory. A number of scholars reanalyzed the initial studies that appeared to support it… Others pressed forward with new, more sophisticated studies of the relationship between disorder and crime. The most prominent among them concluded that the relationship between disorder and serious crime is modest, and even that relationship is largely an artifact of more fundamental social forces.



I wonder how that guy scored on the reflex test during the last round of team checkups.


Also, it’s good to have neighborhood businesses, I have my packages delivered to a guitar shop near by, and swing by and grab the package on my way home from work. They get UPS every day picking up and dropping off guitars, so they don’t mind. (Okay, it’s actually my Brother’s business, but they do it for their other neighbors too.)


Dry cleaners nearby to me do the same.


seems like a lot of effort for dubious returns (even if you don’t break a leg). I mean…what if she doesn’t want to read the same book or whatever was ordered.


Perhaps. There are also prescriptions and other non lifestyle ailments that can cause calcium deficiency.

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Usually there needs to be an “attractive nuisance” (fancy legalese for something dangerous and cool like a pool or trampoline) for a trespasser to sue, and even that has been being removed from many states.

Simply tripping in the act of a crime on an otherwise decently maintained lawn won’t get you much, and may even end with you being ordered to pay the lawyer’s fees of the person you sued if you come off as particularly craven.


Yup. A grassy lawn isn’t exactly a man-trap.


True. But still, stealing packages from people’s porches is shitty and criminal behavior, and I have zero sympathy for her. You speculated that she might need to steal due to bad circumstances; I’m going to speculate she and her driver are just greedy assholes trying to enrich themselves with no care for others, and deserves the broken ankle she got.


I believe you that a suit might be meritless, especially if a given state has made changes to avoid homeowners being potentially on the hook for other people’s behavior (especially if its a criminal). Might not dissuade some criminals from trying, but then again it might be entertaining to see them try and fail.


It’s a quote from a Roman writer, not a case study.

Apparently, quoting a Roman is a no-no, here at Boing Boing.


Absolutely. A hidden camera video may never provide justice after an incident, but a visual deterrent may prevent the incident from occurring. Broken cameras should be easy to source with a little digging. I even have a neighbor who places “under surveillance” signs on his property. No idea if he does have cams or not, I can’t see them, but if I wanted to rob someone that simple little sign would be enough for me to look at other houses.

As someone who has had many things stolen from his doorstep when in very poor economic situations myself, I have no sympathy for people who steal things from the doorsteps of (other) working or middle class people.


Yeah, because that always ends well. And it’s never, say, the homeowner themself who gets shot and killed by the cops.


Epically funny and justice served. Could you park any further away? Ratfaced git might as well pulled up into the driveway. WTF is wrong with people? Zero tolerance for fucksticks like this.



You’re going to repeatedly drug the two of them to induce amnesia and have them repeatedly have to relive having packages stolen off of their own doorstep? I mean, I agree with the sentiment, but the costs and personnel involved…


Not without a sunbather :sunglasses:

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People are getting desperate and this is becoming way to common. That’s why I don’t understand why our local postmaster couldn’t understand why I was so pissed when the fill in postman dumped my package (and mail which included sensitive personal information) on the doorstep even though the package had clear directions not to do so along with the note I left on the door.


That got flagged? Seriously?