Woman wears heavy bomb suit, can't get up

Yeah, I suspected that is what they meant. I just don’t think that comparing his own unhindered body weight to a smaller framed person wearing a ponderous suit is a fair or honest comparison.


I get claustrophobic just looking at those suits!

You would, however, be conveniently packaged for tackling by the fifteen airport security officers that pile on you.


No, not exactly.

A substantial portion of your additional weight is muscle tissue that helps carry that weight around. Hers is entirely dead weight.

I went from being an effortlessly skinny kid to being a hundred pounds overweight due to medical problems, and I can assure you that a 150-lb. person carrying a 50-lb. pack (me, age 40) has a MUCH harder time running than the same person weighing 220 with no pack (me, age 57), because the last 20-25 lbs. of that heavier weight was muscle I put on by constantly carrying around the other 45-50 lbs.

[Also, note that this is a “fastest female” record. If you’re male, you’d have to keep up with Zoltán Mészáros of Hungary, who ran the fastest mile in a bomb disposal suit in 8 min 29 sec., in order to be fully comparable. (-: ]


That’s why I wear bomb suit leggings!



I came to the comments just to see if someone would complain about this, and boingboing never lets me down.
She seems to be having fun laughing at her own predicament. Why can’t they enjoy it also? At no time does she ever appear to be in any actual distress or panicking. Why do you automatically assume he would continue laughing if she were actually in distress? Seems kind of judgmental to me.


You fecker, you beat me to the joke I was gonna make.

Sigh I hate it when my punch lines are blown up.


It wouldn’t be entirely surprising if, in addition to the weight, the contemporary suit actually has worse mobility at the joints.

In melee combat, not being able to move/swing your weapon/etc. is likely to get you killed.

In the event of an explosion, protective equipment that doesn’t protect your limbs from a ‘really not supposed to bend that way’ event would be deeply unpleasant; and the design specs probably didn’t specify ‘must be able to use sword’.

The amount of trouble she is having even rolling onto her side also doesn’t suggest great joint mobility. Actually walking around with 75 extra pounds for nontrivial periods is a matter of strength and endurance; but if you are lying on the ground, you aren’t supporting the full weight, so it must be pretty unwieldy if you can’t get an arm, leg, or both into position to tip yourself over.



Depends on how you define “extra.” :wink:

That was me denigrating myself, not her.

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Men’s arms and torsos (on average) are longer than women’s, and shoulders are usually wider. If the suit had been made for a woman of her size, plus the same amount of added weight, she wouldn’t have been so helpless. The problem was wearing something that by definition has to fit properly, and it didn’t.

Let’s face it: women carry around babies and toddlers all the time. The weight isn’t the problem.


Fair enough!

It does seem that he should have started to help her out about 30 seconds faster.


Henry VIII liked to leap into the saddle in his, without using the stirrups.

(This was young, athletic, Jonathan Rhys Meyers/Damian Lewis Henry VIII, obviously. Not the traditional Fat Bastard Henry VIII so beloved of the makers of popular culture before they discovered the financial viability of costume-drama shagfests.)


it was whiskey day this week no? Or is that everyday?


Very inappropriate post, BB.
I heard that this is actually a new sex game that teenagers do called turtling.


I play a variant, the Snapping Turtle.
Yet again, perhaps this explains why I can’t get a date. :turtle:


The problem with armour isn’t that it’s heavy, it’s that it’s hot. Ventilation matters when you’re engaging in intense physical activity (e.g. fighting). You see reports of medieval infantry passing out from heat stroke while fighting in the snow.

And leather armour, as a rule, is much heavier than plate or mail. The reason they went to the effort and expense of using metal was because metal is strong enough to offer adequate protection even when it’s only a few millimetres thick.

Relative to organic-based armour, full plate is the lightweight option.

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Fair point on fit being important, and the distribution. It is easier to pick up say a 50lb bag of dog food vs a 50lb wiggling kid. Though the suit is supposed to be 75lbs, which is quite bit more than most toddlers. Honestly I don’t think I could carry around 75lbs of anything with my leg. Maybe pick it up.

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Man, bondage porn keeps getting more and more specific.