Woman who attacked fast food worker sentenced to fast food work

Originally published at: Woman who attacked fast food worker sentenced to fast food work | Boing Boing

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That’s an odd sentence. What if no fast food place will hire her? I mean, if I managed one of these places, I’m assuming they do background checks, and they’re going to see the story about her assaulting a fast food employee. That’d be a risky hire.




I want to believe that something else was going on in the woman’s life. She was fired, found out her partner was cheating on her, recently lost a beloved pet or really just anything that might explain being in a mental state where she finally snapped.

Her “defense” though seems to imply that no she just doesn’t have impulse control and was 39 years old throwing a temper tantrum.

then she goes to jail? I think it’s lovely. If she can’t convince someone to hire her she goes to jail. I haven’t worked food service in almost 20 years but if it hasn’t changed much she’ll not have trouble finding a job. It doesn’t sound like she was charged with even a felony.

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