There is something grim about this constant use of Gofundme as the solution to everything.
If the lawyer had any smarts, he would demand to get paid up front.
The numbers as I interpret them, as of 2021 03 05 ³
Gilles: “Redress Defamation of Character”
- 8 000 goal
- 5 750 raised
- 5 000 from one donor ¹
- 0 750 from 69 other donors
Cowan: “HELP I’m Being Sued By A Karen for Raising Money”
- 30 000 goal
- 23 790 raised so far
- 01 400 from top 6 donors, ranging 150 to 200 ²
- 22 390 raised from >1k others
Sources : See article and links above 2021 03 05 at 1:36 GMT.
Edit to add: ¹ Re Gilles- next largest donar at at $200, all others ≤$25. ² Re Cowan- numerous $100 donations, one $69 donation, all others ≤$50. ³ In US dollars($) . Added text below
This is so weird, and expensive.
Paid up front. Hm. There are other Giuliani’s out there, you know.
“She also said she and her fiance… have been “harassed by crazy people.””
How does one harass themselves?
Remember to tip your next barista nicely, or they’ll be doing something else for a living by the time this nightmare ends.
Lawsuits, in general?
Using her logic, any time someone is injured, a GoFundMe for the injured party would have to split it with the injuring party…?
Not sure if that violates Godwin’s Law or Rule 34…or both.
The mirror started talking back, i think.
Also, didn’t he die in NYC in 1980?
After those made-up legal terms, I want to see evidence that there is a lawyer.
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