World Politics

Milei proposes that any “intentional and temporary congregation of three or more persons” be considered a demonstration, punishable by up to six years of imprisonment, if it impedes free transit or the provision of public services.

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Is it because the BJP is based on Hinduttva, and Hinduttva is fascist?


OG Nazis really…

Some weird shit there…

This image might be bit too much. Remove it or leave it?

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so called Omnibus law

I think that’s called a Machtergreifung


Thanks, I couldn’t find the right wiki page


Do you know what is ironic? This law that gave super powers to Argentine presidents was proposed precisely by Mrs. Cristina Kirchner, who at the time was a senator of the Republic and wanted to benefit her husband, President Ernesto Kirchner.

This reform proposed by Mr. Milei, with 366 articles, was created on an all-or-nothing basis, i.e. it has to be approved in its entirety by the Argentine legislature. As He does not even have a minority in the Houses, He is now considering holding a plebiscite, consulting the population on what they think of the new law. As the country’s constitution does not require the results of plebiscites to be recognized as laws. It seems that he is just betting that, if the majority of the people side with him, he will have the power to bargain in Congress.

Another problem is that no one in Argentina is forced to vote in plebiscites, if few people decide to vote, He could be in a very unfavorable situation for His plans.


South Korean opposition leader attacked with knife during press conference

The framing of this article seems weirdly credulous.

Israel’s top court strikes down key part of judicial overhaul, reigniting divisions as war rages

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Cross post

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That big quake a few days in Japan left most of the country in decent shape. The same can’t be said for communities built on top of swampland so expect that be the major story about that particular earthquake for months to come

After blatantly stealing the 2020 election and facing massive protests, Lukashenko now moves to prevent any competition in 2025. All opposition candidates from 2020 (including those that were prevented even from running) are now either serving long prison terms in Belarus or are living abroad with convictions in absentia, so they have already been rendered ineligible. But now there’s also a law that prevents anyone who has lived abroad at any point in the past 20 years from running for president. That provides a blanket ban for all democratically-minded expats who fled the wave of reprisals in 2020-21, even if they were not individually convicted.

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Unfortunately this is world news rather than just our local arseholes being the fucking idiots with no attachment to data protection that they are.

I hope the fact that this is OBVIOUSLY REALLY FUCKING ILLEGAL may in some way stop them getting their way. I’m not sure if EU citizens and residents can submit comments and helpful suggestions (see link in Simon McGarr’s article above) but helping them understand how stupid it is would be you performing a civic good if you have the time.