World Politics

Taiwan has a Tide Pod eating problem


Tax the rich? Hell yeah, tax the rich!

Pass it on. Get numbers up. Legislation doesn’t change itself you know. Take the opportunity to pressure, add your voice, add your perspective and knowledge if you can. Speak for those that can’t if you can.


“Nazis are innovative,” Knittel says.

The Muppets No GIF by ABC Network

I mean, good work, though, but taking vowels out of words isn’t particularly innovative… people were doing that for a hot minute as a form of moderation on message boards not too long ago (if people remember that).


I kinda miss disemvoweling, it was fun.

I don’t know… in the current fucked up internet we find ourselves on, I prefer actual moderation that keeps users safe. I’m not sure that disemvoweling did that, however fun it might have been…

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I think that’s exactly it – disemvoweling was a fun tool for fun places on the internet, not something that could make or keep them that way. I can understand nostalgia for it, like remembering growing up without a lock on your door, but that’s not where we live now.

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Taiwan election: China sows doubt about US with disinformation

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Sadly, I’m gonna have to cross post in the drums of war thread…


Do you want tech companies to withdraw their EU headquarters from your country whose economy is partly structured around having them? Because that’s how you get tech companies to withdraw their EU headquarters from your country whose economy is partly structured around having them.

Not that that’s an argument against tech regulation in general, just against this particular obviously bad and illegal one.


Macron picks Attal, 34, as France’s youngest PM

Not sure that’s true. The large companies are largely cool with this kind of awful surveillance overreach, which they do at any and every opportunity, it’s smaller companies who would be hurt and nobody gives a fuck about them.


Jesus Christ!

The violence is an urgent issue in Latin America.

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