How does one do that?
Find thread (search function).
Post items, adding something to avoid “you’ve already posted this” error message. Anything will do, really - something along the lines of “Cross-post from XYZ-thread” is pretty common.
Since election day, Mr. Bolsonaro backers are waiting for a Deus Ex-Machina to prove that Mr. Lula da Silva rigged the electronic voting machines and stole the election (any similarity with what happened years ago in the United States is not mere coincidence).
Denunciations of censorship, fanciful reports of alleged fraud, and other things were spread and duly refuted. The last hope would be an analysis of the electronic voting machines made by the experts of the Brazilian army.
Hundreds of people were waiting at the barracks door for such a document. Well, it came out and proved that there was no fraud.
ET correct grammar. ETA link
Last time:
He said:
The market:
It’s very much the same here in Mexico. If you can’t provide payment or at least show the ability to pay up front, some hospitals will refuse care.