Worst. Album. Covers. Ever

Yep. Awkward family photos with a soundtrack… Is there a support group for people who paid money for one of these? (cough Europe cough) I’m asking for a friend.

p.s. How is this not awesome?

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Based on the fonts, costuming and framing, I’ll just call that one passé.

A drastic oversight on my part! Mr Black was just one of many during the accordion boom.

That we are.

A full viewing of this gallery would tell you that Christians arent the only ones doing that.

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It’s more their complete, shall we say innocence at recognising a horrible innuendo when they see one. :stuck_out_tongue:

I rather like both the Scorpions albums in that list. Without Animal Magnetism surely we would never have had Spinal Tap’s seminal Smell The Glove.


Well that’s just par for the course in German volkstümlicher Musik :wink:

The ways of the Godfather are mysterious indeed.


I’ll see your Children of the World and raise you a Love Beach.


Don’t look in his(?) eyes!

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A quick listen to a few seconds of Heino’s rendition of <a href=“http://www.allmusic.com/album/die-himmel-r%C3%BChmen-festliche-lieder-mit-heino-mw0000835606"target=”_blank">Ave Maria confirms that Heino is probably male.

Just imagine if the BeeGees and ELP had collaborated!


Woah, too much sweaty English hunkiness in one place and time – the universe might have imploded!

Graves’ Disease. (Yes, he does suffer it.)

18 Funny Album covers from the former country of Yugoslavia

Palmer was drowned in a lake, Lake is a slave in Palma.

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It was sweet cream, until they spread it on the Frivolous Five. * shudder *

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