Would anything stop Ted Cruz from pulling this dirty trick to prevent Biden from being sworn in?

No, merely nefarious, unethical, amoral, and evil. Welcome to the National Assholish Nazi Association. NANA NANA!

totally agree. Insane is a bad choice of word cuz it implies its unintentional or uncontrollable or something. Absolutely intentional, scheming, and as you said, nefarious.

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They actually have a statue of Scalia.

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Right after this, I started an argument with my bedroom wall and it was more fun than this, so I kept arguing with my wall instead of this pointlessness.


Mitch and the others have have their own long plans and don’t want them disrupted by some arrogant megapuppy.


I relish the thought of McTurtle saying, “Senator elect Tuberville, if you do this stunt on January 6th, you can look forward to a future of ZERO committee appointments for the entirety of your term. You will be ostracized if you go through with this.” Not because of the authoritarianism… no. …Because I enjoy the thought of the Republican party eating itself.


Anarcho-capitalism is proven to have default to that? …can’t keep all of Crooked Timber in my head at once anymore I guess.


Cruz has Presidential Ambitions, as everyone knows.
He will give consideration to how much publicity this stunt will make; he probably doesn’t give a damn if it actually works or not.
Keep in mind that he is a Dominionist (“and the LORD gave man dominion over the earth…”), and will stop at nothing to establish a Theocracy here; and the flavor of that Theocracy will be Southern Baptist.

Some fail to notice that the 1st Amendment serves to protect religion from gov’t, not vice-versa. Any established religion will lead to Dept. of Religious Observance, with all the charm of a Motor Vehicles office and the efficiency of a telecom monopoly. The first charismatic Scientologist prez will boot the SoBaps who thought they had secure jobs.

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The First Amendment expressly forbids the establishment of a State Religion.
Not that it won’t keep the bastids from trying, though.

Or vice-versa. Heh.

Hmm. I would have thought it would it would be something like:

L. Ron Hubbard was a Mormon who invented Scientology for the express purpose of getting rich.
It’s a bit surprising that Lord Dampnut isn’t a member; maybe he sees it as competition…

Yeah, no.

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