Wowza! Donald Trump beat world champ golfers over the weekend, says the Big Liar himself

But how many Course Championships did he claim as a result?

I would read a book about how Clinton cheats at golf, if one were to be written. I wonder if he just doesn’t care much about golf? I could see, for example, expediting a round by taking “gimmes” on long-ish putts. Still cheating, but with a pretty benign intent and result. Whereas Trump cheats at practically every opportunity and in multiple ways — including taking “gimmes” on very long putts — for the express purpose of making himself seem like a championship-winning golfer.


Not just taxpayer funded advertisement. His secret service agents had to pay greens fees and guest membership fees. Greens fees at Bedminster are $750 per round for non-member guests. And each of his secret service agents were invoiced that. It also wouldn’t surprise me if a nominal number were required to have memberships there too, at $14,000 a year with a $350k initiation.


What?!? Seriously?
In the long line of effed up things he got away with, making his security detail pay greens fees is right up there.


It’s the perfect metaphor for the privileged old white men who play it, so that checks out. Of course they would design a sport where they all win no matter what (and also kills the planet).


I hate golf viscerally.

Sorry, not a hugely constructive contribution to the conversation but I need to get it out. I hate it hate it hate it.


The only reason I like/follow the sport is , my father was one of those priv’d white guys who thought he fit in with the rest of his banking executive buddies. Then his bank got bought and his father had a heart attack and died and Dad decided to go be a golf instructor. He started working at high schools as a coach and plays at a public golf course and it basically saved his life AND turned him around on the whole “friends with scumbags” front.

There ARE public 9 hole courses on land nobody really wants. They’re not elegant, and the Donald Trumps of the world wouldn’t be caught dead there and there’s a loud airport nearby and the landfill next to the airport.


I played on some of these when I was very young. The fairways were scrub grass and sandy scars, the tee boxes were more divot than driver-friendly, and the greens were brown circles hard as concrete. We had fun, but it was never a serious thing. One time a couple of us were gifted passes to play 18 at Torrey Pines. It was like peeking into an alien universe.


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