Yahoo in talks to ruin imgur

Musicians, mostly. MySpace is revamping itself for them now, dropping the ‘social media’ aspect.


Clearly, your uncle is uninterested in porn for some odd reason.


General Motors.

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It’s not what something is worth.
It’s what somobody else is willing to pay for it.

[Long but coherent rambling why economics isn’t a real science anyway…]

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So… big established company buying startup companies with innovative ideas - seems to work for Microsoft…

Yahoo! does a couple of things far, far better than Google; I (obviously) use Google for any kind of search, but I probably spend more time on Yahoo! than on any Google site. Yahoo! Finance is a great resource for business news; clean and concise. Yahoo! Sports, they’ve tried to screw it up recently but it’s got some good sports bloggers and I prefer the interface over ESPN. If you get stocks and sports right, you’re going to get some eyeballs from my demographic.


What I find useful is that the original poster’s username is visible on the top right side of reposts, clicking that leads you to the original post which usually has the source in the tags (that don’t appear in the reposts for some reason). Still a terrible system though.

Yahoo!'s got next to nothing in debt (~$50M as of September 30th, versus about $3.5B of current assets). They make money and have positive cash flow. They’re in no danger of going bust anytime soon.

You got that right. He’s very old and a Christian.

I don’t even go there for music stuff. Do people really visit it for music?

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Maybe he just likes the anticipation of seeing the image appear line by line.

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I doubt it.

Guys. Yahoo just rebranded their logo. Clearly they’re a mature company now and know what they’re doing, right?

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Baling wire, twine, and bubblegum all the way down…


What else has Yahoo ruined? I have vague memories of them ruining… tumblr? But I never used it, so can’t say. I kinda like the changes they made to Flickr, personally.

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Wow really? I was a big fan of Flickr but when they added the purple bar on top of every image they went too far and that’s when I pulled the plug.

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Why is Yahoo still a thing? How are they making money? I must be out of the loop, I see Yahoo as a competitor to Google that lost the fight in the 90’s. Clearly they were also arms dealers / drug traffickers on the side or something.

The “Die Yahoo! Die!” chorus has gotten a lot louder and shriller ever since they got a woman to be CEO, but she seems to be turning things around. Although she did do away with the “sit around at home and still collect a paycheck” “work”-from-home program, which makes her the worst misogynist ever. Or something.

I’m not sure I ever have a point, but Yahoo! seems to be doing some major things lately. The right-wing thing happened before Marissa came on board but they don’t seem to be going away.

She is responsible for the one thing Yahoo did recently that bubbled all the way up to where I could see it, but that was when she re-did the company logo one weekend with a copy of Illustrator they had lying around.

I really wasn’t impressed with that.


surprisingly enough yes. it’s mostly indie music, but the audience is there.

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