It’s not just an empty gesture. Linking to them puts actual money into their pockets.
I prefer to lunch at myself. That way I get to eat what I like.
Or just let them wander round the White House with impunity?
Because it is a sinkhole of clickbait
You’re assuming that The Daily Heil offers up useful information. It does not, instead offering baseless outrage and scare stories with a right-wing spin for a readership of frightened old bigots. A screenshot of the headline and sub-heds is more than enough for Rob to make his point without sending them traffic and advertising impressions.
Yeah - wags in the UK call it (most common first) the daily heil and the daily fail.
Exactly! That there, my friend is some “shocking finality”.
Fortunately for me, my kids informed me back when they were in their teens, they’re in their 20s now, that when I get to be a cranky old fart who needs his diapers and drool cup changed, they’re having me put to sleep.
They didn’t start the fire. It’s been always burning since the world’s been turning.
They wouldn’t want you to suffer.
Don’t hit the Kouriers. they’ve got the Mafia on their side.
Seems like blind acceptance of violence at the hands of authority only goes so far. Kudos to the kids for not taking his head and wallet.
A guy I went to high school with suffered severe brain damage due to being hit in the head with a skateboard. He finally died because of it due to complications. There is a huge difference being punched compared to being hit in the head with a skateboard.
Maybe folks should avoid punching people carrying skateboards, then.
Well, the guy I know was blindsided in a random hit while walking out of a gas station but the reaction of the people watching is understandable. Its like someone pushing you so you stab them.
Yeah, the US isn’t completely civilized, but when an adult assailant attacks kids, I really can’t take umbrage at said kids taking matters into their own hands to assure their group safety. I just don’t understand the continued animosity toward 'boarders from GenXers. I suppose those are the same asshats my age that are voting in favor of having petrol-fueled dumpster fires in the Oval Office.
So… you’re saying “the guy you know” didn’t throw repeated blows attacking three different people before getting cold cocked with a skateboard, then?
A grown ass man punches 3 smaller kids, and you’re worried that the kids defended themselves? Your priorities are fucked up.
Right. Don’t get into any fight. Especially don’t get into any fight if you can’t afford to lose.
The ADULT in the vid started some shit… so some shit there was.
“Looks like some poor skater called in a Code.”