Your squeezing hands outperform this $400 IoT juicer

Let’s start an IOT company!

  • IOT connected hot glue gun.
  • Bluetooth scissors.
  • Connected kitchen knife (Mr. Stabby?)
  • Milk carton that you refill with special Milk Pods.
  • I can’t believe it’s IOT butter dispenser.
  • Connected wind chimes.
  • Toothpaste pods with bluetooth dispenser.
  • Cookie maker with individual cookie dough pods.

[quote=“MikeR, post:15, topic:99354”]
A pouch - which makes one glass of juice costs - $7-8. And yet they sold more than zero of these things.
[/quote]You may laugh, but I’m not surprised.

You might remember a joke startup that Corey posted about a while back, called “Here Comes the Airplane”, if you don’t, it was basically a satire of Silicon Valley “disruptive” startup culture, by means of a pretend service where you could pay people to come to your house and feed you, instead of the tiresome task of having to move your utensils from plate to mouth and back. For an exorbitant price, of course.

I know the guy who made it, and let me let you in on a little secret - despite having made it through the main page, and through the even more absurdist signup form, there were people genuinely trying to sign up. There were people who got in touch, people in comment sections, people all about the internet going “Wow that sounds like a great idea, where can I sign up?” - in fact, analyzing data I pulled after the fact, and along with the buzz from around silicon valley, there was legit, albeit low-key buzz at the start(before most people figured out it was a joke) that it was going to be the next status-symbol of the valley. And that’s not even the craziest parts, that’s just the parts I can really share without revealing more than I’m comfortable with, and embarrassing people who don’t really deserve it.


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