"You're dressed like whores!" - Christians vs Comics in San Diego

I want someone to create a supervillain named General Heathen, just to make this sign looks like something fictionnal.

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Iā€™d say in that case that youā€™ve had a very narrow experience of religion. But perhaps a broader experience of people, because thereā€™s no shortage of ā€œus vs themā€ in any sphere you could care to name.

I like the ergonomically designed handle for carrying the cross. Cause carrying the cross should be all about comfort.


Or, as Kurt Vonnegut said: "There are plenty of good reasons for fightingā€¦but no good reason ever to hate without reservation, to imagine that God Almighty Himself hates with you too. Whereā€™s evil? Itā€™s that large part of man that wants to hate without limit, to hate with God on its side. Itā€™s that part of every man that finds all kinds of ugliness so attractive.

ā€œItā€™s that part of an imbecileā€¦that punishes and vilifies and makes war gladly.ā€


Some people bear the cross. Others wield it.


Ruben Israel is the guy that shows up at Arab-American festivals in Michigan and taunts the locals with ā€œIslam is evil!ā€ through a megaphone (and with a dead pigā€™s head on a stick, naturally) until they snap and hurl trash and food at him and his group, THEN he acts as if he were completely innocent and didnā€™t instigate anything.

ā€œWill you sign my first-run edition of Preacher?ā€

I dislike the title of the article; it sets up a false dichotomy between Christians and Comics. There are more Christians attending, and working the Con then protesting it. Not to mention the fact that most Christians would consider Mr. Israelā€™s actions very much UNChristian.

The best way of handling people like this is to ignore them. In person and in print. They feel vindicated when people make fun of them, which only encourages them.

Though the pancakes idea might not be a bad strategy.

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I dontā€™ think ignoring these people helps. Ignoring internet trolls allows they to perpetuate hate and aggressive bullying.

Ignoring judgmental jerks outside of planned parenthood just means more judgmental hate filled jerks harassing people going in.

These kind of people thrive on the rest of us ignoring them. I think we need to find a non violent, and preferably non confrontational way, to show how much we disapprove. I think if enough folks found a way to express this disapproval, not just us freaks and geeks but actual other christians as well, we could get them to stop.

I just think letting them go on like this without interference just allows them to get bolder, and nastier.

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Mr Preacherman needs to get laid. Heā€™s tense and cranky. A good shagging would loosen him right up. Iā€™m sure Jebus would understand :wink:

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Hmmm. The biblical definition of being dressed like a whore is found in Genesis 38:15. It states that a whore covers her face with veil.

Odin managed nine days, and to top it off he was a sacrifice to himself by himself.

I dunno - youā€™d be hard-pressed to write a book nowadays, and have it published legally, that included fratricide, rape, graphic murders, threats of chopping children in half, the instant elimination of nearly every life form on Earth ā€¦ itā€™s really not boring like that.

In fact, high time it were mined for thrillers and horror movies.

In fact, youā€™d have such a hard time writing it first, youā€™d have to have some real good god-grass to unhinge yourself from any sense of reality.

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