Yum! Live maggots in a McDonald's restaurant, caught on video

You would probably smell that.
Once a mouse died under the floor in an office I worked in and it stank up the place for weeks.


Interesting intersection of posts here


I suspect that Yum! Brands, inc. would wish to emphasize that McDonalds is not one of the fast food establishments under their umbrella.

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Our high desert workplace has a tunnel that connects our offices with another site. The tunnel, with its challenging length and changes in elevation, built of reinforced concrete and of a robust design driven by 1950s Cold War fears, is a de facto crypt for all sorts of desert creatures. A trip through it rewards you with thoroughly desiccated, unspoiled tarantulas and shrunken rats, bats, small lizards, and birds. In a certain circle, the tunnel is legendary, so occasionally, new employees are allowed to tour it with an escort. (There’s more to it than mummified animals.) There’s no sustenance for creatures that end up there, but we did once find a tiny bat – alive and just barely holding on. We left it water and a chopped up grape until Animal Control come around. Tales from the Crypt.


Oof. How’s the therapy going?

Don’t need therapy if you just keep pushing it down…

Crush it, Donaghy. Crush it with your mind vise.

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