Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/10/15/zamboni-catches-fire.html
They sing of this tale to this day — a song of fire and ice. ducks
Seems yet another apt metaphor for 2020…
Not the most efficient way to make Baked Alaska.
That’s what civil unrest looks like in Canada.
It’a not a Zamboni it’s an Olympia
That’s New York. For Canada you need to add a simultaneous bench-clearing brawl.
Considering most Zambonis run on propane - a fire like this is rather terrifying.
Check out what can happen: https://youtu.be/XQM3mbUtboQ
“It’s like fiiieeeeiiire in your hockey rink /”
That’s like trying to convince people that “That skidoo over there is actually a honda”. Good luck with that.
Now I miss Toronto even more.
The person gets points for trying to save the ice, but I would have been off it in a second to tell somebody to call the fire brigade and get a fire extinguisher.
The Flaming Zambonis is the name of my new band. Or better yet, my curling team. Maybe I should learn how to curl just so I can do that…
I came here for this and am pleased to see you did what had to be done.
Not cool.
I thought a zamboni was an Italian dessert. TIL.
Zamboni’s on fi-yerrrrrrr
Better throw it in the water…
Not traditionally served flambéed.
Came here to say this.