13-year-old explains why he thinks we are living in a parallel universe


Best sentence written on this, here, so far.

Thank you.


I must say, the kid is pretty bright. I didn’t believe that we were living in a parallel universe until I was maybe 15 or 16.


Scientists are closer to understanding the "Mandela Effect" – the bizarre phenomenon of shared false memories


Not even the fruit-of-the-loom question?

Caused quite a stir here a few months back!

ETA: and another thing, how does the Mandela effect support any kind of “parallel universe” track jumping- am I to believe that my memories somehow transcend the multiverse? So… like many different physical universes, but my consciousness is bound to a single “true” universe? Preposterous.


I think the idea is that you moved from one universe to another that is completely identical except for a few small things like how certain words are spelled. I know that might sound preposterous, but you have to consider the alternative…that people occasionally remember things wrong (or saw things that are forgotten by official sources) despite feeling certain.


I don’t have any particularly strong feelings on that one. I’m surprised anyone does. The cornucopia overflowing with fruit is common imagery and everyone’s probably seen Thanksgiving decorations that are virtually identical, so it seems very easy for those memory-wires to get crossed. It’s not particularly hard to impress me, either. Show me that, say, McDonald’s logo’s colors are and have always been yellow and purple rather than yellow and red and I’ll probably flip out and start questioning my sanity. That’s a very small change between hypothetical dimensions, a mere palette swap rather than an entire added component, yet somehow it would be a lot harder to deny.


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