17 years ago today Trump boasted that he now had the tallest building in downtown Manhattan

Oh… songs will be written regardless.


Nice, but it feels like the ball needs to be made into a globe.


11 September 2001

“40 Wall Street actually was the second-tallest building in downtown Manhattan… And now it’s the tallest.”

11 September 2013

“I would like to extend my best wishes to all, even the haters and losers, on this special date, September 11th.”

November 2015

“I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down, and I watched in Jersey City, New Jersey where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down.”

February 2016

“The World Trade Center came down during the reign of George Bush. He kept us safe? That is not safe. That is not safe”

February 2016

“I lost hundreds of friends in 9/11.”

March 2016

“Thanks sweetie. That’s nice”

When Trump was promoting the opening of his new hotel in Washington DC while on the campaign trail, a woman in the crowd asked him if he would hire veterans and 9/11 survivors. He invited her to the stage, promising he would give her a job. She hugged him and kissed him on the cheek, and he replied, “Thanks sweetie. That’s nice.”

August 2016

“Those people that knocked down the World Trade Centre most likely under the Trump policy wouldn’t have been here to knock down the World Trade Centre, just so you understand.”

April 2017

“It’s the highest [ratings] for ‘Deface the Nation’ since the World Trade Center. Since the World Trade Center came down. It’s a tremendous advantage.”

The President of the United States.


Thirteen pulls of the trigger.

I’m still monumentally befuddled nobody wrote some sharp attack ads about all this and ran them wall-to-wall. Not in the primaries, not in the general election…

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I’m not sure how one could make an attack ad against Trump that would be any worse than an unedited broadcast of any of his public appearances.

The problem isn’t that his supporters never see this side if him—he really only HAS the one side. The problem is that they actually like it.


Telling hurricane survivors to “have a good time.”
Going to a mass shooting location saying he’s going to have “fun.”
Autographing the photos of murder victims.
Etc. etc. etc.

He’s just so completely unable to be dignified (all his talk about how “presidential” he could be always made me laugh with disbelief), or even fake having any human empathy whatsoever - he doesn’t even try.

Yet weirdly, in the immediate aftermath, he’s not just unconcerned and making no efforts to find out if they’re alive, he’s calling a radio station to brag about how tall his building is. He’s so clearly a sociopath. I don’t know why I react with any amount of shock or surprise when his responses are so inappropriate - they never are appropriate and I know they never will be. If he responded to a situation with any empathy, that would be shocking.

Likewise, that Trump was elected is really the most damning thing you could say about America.


Well, a neurotoxin can only work when there’s neurons for it to poison.


I have a weird theory that a whole lot of the 27%-or-so don’t actually like Trump, per se. I mean, he’s clearly a moron who’s taking away their healthcare, their jobs, and their country’s standing. But they hate liberals with a burning fury, and they dearly love having an accomplished troll for a President that pisses off half of the country daily.


I agree; I think that many people on the right are so tainted by perpetual toxicity that they support him out of sheer malicious spite…


They don’t like him but they admire him like they secretly admire their arsehole bosses. Just like these yokels think that his gaudy dictator-chic surroundings as portrayed on “Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous” is what all wealthy people aspire to, they think that his abusive and capricious “management” style as portrayed on “The Apprentice” is what it takes to be a business executive.

Being the spiteful mopes that they are they were more than happy to help impose the kind of boss they have to suffer under upon educated liberals who have been neoliberal globalism’s winners.


2nd image must be in Krakow, with that glyph in white/blue. Or it references the Polish Home Army, though that is usually on white/red.

He looks like hes celebrating farting really hard on the people behind him.

As for the article premise, fuck. I cannot believe what a perfect sack of shit this man is. You go back in time, he just seems worse. If I had the power of god for a day, I couldn’t even create a human being this fucking horrible.


Yes, if I remember right he was in Poland on holocaust remembrance day.


If I had “the power of God for a day,” I’d hit the damn ‘reset’ button, back to that fateful Correspondence Dinner in 2012. (I’d also do some minor ‘smiting,’ just to be sure.)


If time travel is on the table may I suggest giving Fred Trump a really hard kick in the balls circa September 1945? It’s not like the sheet-wearing bastard didn’t have it coming anyway.


Trump provides daily asshole material, but this isn’t a good example.

What he said:

“40 Wall street actually was the second-tallest building in downtown Manhattan, and it was actually before the World Trade Center the tallest, and and then when they built the World Trade Center it became known as the second-tallest, and now it’s the tallest And I just spoke to my people, and they said it’s the most unbelievable sight, it’s probably seven or eight blocks away from the World Trade Center, and yet Wall Street is littered with two feet of stone and brick and mortar and steel …”

So… when terrorists destroyed the WTC and murdered nearly 3000 people, Trump’s response was, indeed, that his building is now the tallest in downtown Manhattan. But it’s “up to us” if he’s bragging or not?

Yes. He was bragging. And then he pretended to be a first responder. He’s an asshole.


Yeah, his massive narcissistic sociopathic personality gets in the way of any kind of empathic reaction.

He’d be like a shark, except those are really good at what they are and also rather more intelligent and likable.


I chose that date specifically because my daughter was already born by that point, but it was still not too late to nip all this fuckery in the bud before it started.

If time travel were possible, I wouldn’t risk endangering my kid’s whole existence. (I’ve watched Back to the Future way too many times; I have a whole set of personal ‘rules’ about hypothetical time travel.)