A 10-year-old brought a loaded .40-caliber Glock to his elementary school

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/06/07/a-10-year-old-brought-a-loaded-40-caliber-glock-to-his-elementary-school.html


There are only a couple of things that need to happen to prevent this from being such a common occurrence: 1) a national gun control program, 2) national safe firearms storage laws that are actively enforced. I can’t believe how lax many Americans are with weapons storage.


Naturally, conservatives will double down on metal detectors at the entrances of schools and clear backpacks

Another win for rugged individualist ammosexuals concerned about protecting their rahts.


Important safety tip kids:


Metal detectors and clear backpacks and locker searches and pat-downs and cops in schools harassing kids - cool. Laws mandating safe storage of weapons - infringing on rights!


Parents were notified? Why weren’t they hauled in?

Arresting someone for a gun-related crime is a violation of the more-sacred-than-the-Bible Second Amendment!


I have seen EVERY man who has EVER preached to me about gun safety either get drunk and be extremely irresponsible or even threatening/dangerous with guns and in some (as in more than one case) commit an actual crime with guns… and I have walked into the home of at least 3 or 4 people I know to casually see an open rifle somewhere just sitting out for anyone to fuck with. Some of these fuckers I have to call friends even have kids. I do not care what words they say because I have seen concrete evidence they are in denial and full of bullshit.

And it’s more than 5 people I am talking about here.

That’s not even getting to the women. Don’t get me started on the women of gun culture. If they made abortion legal but made it illegal for women to buy guns I’d consider it an improvement in my access to basic human rights.

This is why the “penis size” arguments just annoy me even more.

This isn’t about penis size. Gun culture is a broken degenerate culture, rotted to its core, and without a shred of value left to offer the world.


This is something I always try to invoke in certain discussions, eg. “is excessive screen time bad for children?”, “do violent video games engender a culture of violence?” etc. The question I always ask myself as a parent isn’t “what harm could it cause?”, but rather “what good does it do?” I’m not convinced by either side’s arguments about violence in video games, but I also know it brings absolutely nothing of value to my children to pretend they’re a pimp beating someone to death in the street. If gun ownership was a net positive we would have mountains of evidence since we have, like all the fucking guns. Yet, the best they can offer in defense is a Fox News anecdote about a boomer taking down a potential shooter in a Waffle House (with no mention of how reckless and stupid it is to open fire in a crowded room).


I have never understood why or how a culture so addicted to actual material physical real-world gun violence incarnate day to day in our lives can look at games and be like “oh… but… uh… it’s the games!”

No… it’s you. It’s your culture. It’s your parenting. It’s your broken value system that has been suffocating under a malignant chain of tumor-like lies on which you have predicated your entire identity.

But sure it definitely means no one is sinking much money into other kinds of games so lets obsess over that instead shall we? FFS.


Slow down there. Science to the rescue!


It’s like not eating the potato salad in a 16 oz steak dinner because of high cholesterol.


Um, “melt the guns and never more to fire them”, but a 40 caliber gun belongs on a battleship, not in a holster.



  1. Mandatory liability insurance. Its amazing how people will go the extra step for safety when carelessness costs them. Also the public must be compensated for the damages careless morons create.

Apropos of that, the Lockpicking Lawyer’s most angry and least technically demanding genre is gun locks.

It’s pretty normal for locks to look bad in such company; but the special awfulness of that class of locks suggests (at best) grossly inadequate standards for what you can sell as a gun lock or gun safe and (more likely) a fair chunk of customer base that is looking to tick a regulatory checkbox with as little added security as possible.


Gun laws mandating locked storage for weapons and ammunition (often separately) in other countries work not because the locks are unpickable but because they are a part of a social system which realises that guns are very dangerous and need to be handled carefully.

Almost the opposite of the NRA promoted US situation, where in some states it seems nearly compulsory to carry a gun without any safety training and use it at the slightest provocation.


“But…but…what do I do if I lose the key?”


And don’t forget that awful, violent heavy metal music rotting their brains! Oh, wait…

Captain America Lol GIF by mtv


I suspect it depends on the nature of the screen time?

Learning the linux CLI and binging the news is different from being a 4chan trolley.

OTOH, speaking from experience… video games can be a form of escapism.

If someone seems isolated, angry, and young… asking what they’re escaping can be better than focusing on the manner of escape IMHO.

(Video games catch flack, but you learn stats, logic, and teamwork and keep your brain more active than just binging tv/movies imho… I have found since i dusted off my consoles and DS lite im in a better mood than when i watched like 20 episodes of 30 rock… I’m articulating myself poorly but sometimes I feel like I I and others in my generation got a preview of societal malaise — pirating a bunch of stuff to “binge watch” years before netflix coined the term… games catch flack but imho playing a little gta3 at least engages the brain in a way that watching “reality” TV doesn’t)

Anyways off to have another glass of white wine with ice cubes in it and eat like ten goddamn sliders…


Some holsters…

state fair dallas GIF by Texas Archive of the Moving Image