🖕 🍊 🤡 A Continuing Round-Up of Trumpian Events 🖕 🍊 🤡

Tax fraud? Trump family?



What idiot decided that “I quit” was a magical get-out-of-jail-free card for judges facing misconduct investigations?


Trump didn’t decide he was a Republican until Obama got elected.

He just doesn’t like black people. That’s his only core value.


For accuracy. Though he hates black people most. Unless, of course, those people who give him the most of his favourite colour: greenback



right!? at first i thought it might make sense because of the cost of litigation – but then there’s this.

In retirement, Judge Barry is entitled to receive annually between $184,500 and $217,600.

snipping bits from the article:

Judge Barry had been a co-owner of a shell company created to siphon cash from their father… by marking up purchases already made by employees. Judge Barry, her siblings and a cousin split the markup free of gift and estate taxes.

The family also used the padded invoices to justify artificially inflating the rents of thousands of tenants.

Similarly, Judge Barry benefited from the gross undervaluation of her father’s properties… When sold her share of the windfall was $182.5 million.

how can there be no criminal charges from all that? it really doesn’t make sense to me.


From the article:

The proposal is another example of Trump’s willingness to enact hardline immigration policies to deliver on border security, a key issue for his political base.

No, CNN, not “hardline immigration policies”, fucking batshit bonkers from-another-world policies.


What’s next? Smallpox infected blankets delivered to Blue States?

Edit : Stephen Miller is evil AF

(Added back to provide context for Humbabella’s dead-on reply below.)


But this is the thing, I don’t know if the idea is even evil so much as it is just procedurally stupid and revealing of their thought process.

From the perspective of asylum seekers, there is a better way to treat them than turning them loose on the streets of LA. That said, compared to the child separation policy and other horrific ways people have been treated, being turned loose in LA might be an upgrade. Plus, it’s almost certainly an upgrade over whatever place they fled. If you asked people who were ready to leave their country as refugees whether they’d like to just be dropped in LA, most of them would jump at the opportunity.

From the perspective of the sanctuary cities this might be overwhelming. If the administration took every single person crossing the border anywhere and brought them all to some small city that city would obviously become a tent city with all kinds of problems. But I just looked at some numbers. If you took all the immigrants apprehended at the Mexican border for one year and put them all in LA county, that would barely make the net migration flow in the county positive. That is, it wouldn’t overwhelm LA with new population (I’m not saying it wouldn’t create problems, but it’s not like the raw number of people would be staggering for southern California).

On the cruelty scale this barely even ranks next to child separation. It’s just a dumb/bad/illegal idea. And it’s logistically insane, but these are the people who think that 3 million people could vote illegally by taking buses to other counties. They have no idea how many people fit in a bus.

What the idea says to me, though (other than Trump and Miller just not having any grasp of logistics) is that Trump and Miller think “sanctuary city” is some kind of political posturing to get votes from brown people, not a policy enacted to make cities better places. They think that not only is it a bad policy, but that everyone agrees with them that it’s a bad policy, and anyone who doesn’t is just lying. They think this way because they themselves will lie an enact bad policies that hurt people to politically posture. They can’t imagine that other people are trying to make things better rather than trying to win.

Trump and Miller think that white people who support sanctuary cities hate brown people just as much as Trump and Miller do. They think that they can threaten people who are pro-immigration with immigration, as if they are calling a bluff.


That was my take away as well. He thinks the sanctuary cities will mind (they won’t).

Or he truly believes that Latinos are all criminals. Either way kinda screwed up.


Like if the government could somehow coordinate releasing a hundred thousand people into a small city on the same day then, yeah, they would mind. Maybe that was the actual plan, to overwhelm some place and then Trump supporters would say, “See what it’s like?” because they can’t differentiate between their own vague feelings of unease and the reality of serious infrastructure problems created when you triple the size of a city in one day.

That being said, I sort of wonder how bad it would even be. Like California has emergency plans that successfully evacuate tens of thousands of people from wildfire affected areas. Maybe if you dropped a hundred thousand refugees into a small city in one day they’d handle it quite well.


With advance notice and some planning, it would likely not be a big deal. Which is why there would have been no advance notice, just drop them off by the busload and beat feet. And then point and say, “See, we told you they were an emergency!”


The idea of foisting undocumented or asylum seeking immigrants on sanctuary cities, specifically in a sudden deluge too badly organized to absorb, seems very likely a purposefully malicious aim as you folks suggest. But I think there isn’t one single reason behind this. More that it’s arises from a constellation of related motives:

  • The standard, modern Republican policy is to compromise a law, procedure or institution so that it fails. Then, the “fix” is always to just eliminate the institution entirely. This takes that playbook and turns it up to 11.
  • If this goes as intended and he can spin it right, the policy will cause more people to turn against immigrants and maximize xenophobia, presumably mainly against non-whites, which seems to be an administration goal.
  • As time goes on and things don’t completely go his way, Trump is increasingly a creature of spite. This is another way to lash out against anyone who would dare stand against him.
  • It’s an elegant way to “own the libs” which plays well to his base.

Well, that is a good thing until Trump nominates his horse to the position. No, his horse would be more qualified.


There’s a horse loose in the hospital:





Self immolation is now a thing on 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue